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Edlyn got ready excitedly. She couldn't wait to see her best friend and tell her everything that happened in Australia. She grabbed her bag and looked at herself in the mirror for the last time before leaving her room. She hummed a melody but stopped walking when she heard Jake calling someone on the phone in the kitchen.

"I know, I know. I promise to have dinner with you. Love you," he chuckled before ending the call. She watched from the corner, "Is that Sorin?"

He flinched in surprise and cleared his throat, "Yeah. I won't be back until tonight. Don't wait for me."

She nodded before asking, "Can you send me to the university?"

"Sorry. I'm picking Sorin up," he said before leaving the house, "Don't be late for class."

Her heart dropped and she poured herself a cup of water. Why am I feeling like this? Is it because he's with Sorin? Why would I care? I don't even know Sorin. Maybe she's better for him?

She looked at her watch and cursed, remembering that she had to catch the earliest bus.

Edlyn went to class early and found herself alone in the room. She took a seat at the back as usual before taking out her books. She rested her head on the table and closed her eyes. She didn't get enough sleep the day before.

"Can't believe to see you here early," an annoying voice spoke. She frowned and lifted her head to see the source of the voice. Hojun smirked as he took a seat on a chair a few metres next to her.

"You always sit at the front. What made you change your mind to sit near me?" She avoided his gaze, making herself busy by checking her phone.

"Nothing much. Probably trying to provoke you?" He smirked. "Give up. You will never take over my dad's hospital. And my dad hates you now," she rolled her eyes.

She wanted to leave but as she stood up, he quickly grabbed her hand before tightening his grip. She winced in pain, "Hojun! It hurts!"

"I've had enough with you. Maybe it's a good thing that we broke up. I don't have to put an act of an angel anymore in front of you," he gritted his teeth in anger.

She slapped him hard in the face and widened her eyes in shock, "Hojun, I didn't mean to-"

He was about to grab her by the collar but a hand stopped him, punching him in the face. "Professor!" Edlyn shouted as she looked at Heeseung.

Heeseung stood in front of her and put out a hand to block Hojun from being near to her, "I expect the best behaviour from you in my class. You may leave if you can't respect Ms Park."

Hojun chuckled in amusement before grabbing his stuff and leaving the class. "Are you okay?" Heeseung asked worriedly as he checked her to see if Hojun hurt her. She smiled, "I'm fine. Thank you for helping me, professor."

"Please, if we're alone, you may call me Heeseung," he smiled softly. She blushed and nodded slowly as she watched him walk to the podium to put down his stuff.

"Did Jake inform you that we will be having another surgery test today?"

She frowned, "He didn't." Her heart started beating nervously. She cursed at her husband for not telling her. Heeseung smiled, "If you need help or you don't feel well, just raise your hand or call me. I'll help you."

Edlyn trembled under her mask as she tried to breathe properly, staring at the cadaver in front of her. She heard Sunghoon briefed about the surgery test but she couldn't process what he was saying. She kept imagining that the cadaver would open its eyes out of the blue and mock her for being so scared.

After the test started, her hands trembled as she grabbed the scissors. She exhaled heavily and calmed herself down before cutting the skin apart. She sighed happily since she succeeded in cutting the skin without puking.

Heeseung watched her from afar and chuckled softly as he saw her smiling to herself. Sunghoon stood next to him as he buried his hands into the pockets of his doctor's coat, "She didn't puke. Wow."

"She's trying to overcome it," Heeseung said, making him sound like a proud brother.

Sunghoon noticed something going on between Heeseung and Edlyn and just smirked, "You like her, don't you."

"Of course I do. She's smart," he answered. Sunghoon shook his head 'no', "Not as a student. As a woman. You like her. You have feelings for her."

Heeseung looked at his friend before sighing, "I'm...not sure."

Edlyn flinched in surprise when she saw blood trickling down from the cadaver. Her eyes widened and she gagged. She raised her hand and glanced at Heeseung, seeing him turning his back to her. He was too focused on helping a male student on the other side.

She gagged again and felt her head becoming light. Her heart dropped when she saw her hands covered with blood.

Cadavers aren't supposed to have blood coming out from them. What is happening?

She felt dizzy and accidentally pushed the surgery tools off the table, earning people's attention. Heeseung gasped and quickly ran towards her, "Edlyn!"

He grabbed her hand, seeing the blood oozing from her hand. He quickly led her out of the room, making her sit on a bench.

Edlyn opened her eyes and saw Heeseung approaching her with a first-aid kit. He sat next to her before treating her wound, "You should be careful next time. The room was cold so you wouldn't realise that you accidentally cut yourself instead of the cadaver."

"I thought the cadaver was bleeding," she chuckled at her stupid self for freaking out. He smiled, "You did great just now. You didn't even puke."

She laughed awkwardly and stared at him, examining his focused face. He looked at her before locking eye contact. He grinned, "I'm proud of you."

Unexpectedly Married To You حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن