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Edlyn combed her hair and checked whether she had packed all of her stuff before leaving. She walked back and forth but stopped when she saw Jake also appear with his bags.

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking at him confusedly. He put down his bags and sighed, "I'm leaving with you. I have an important exam to handle in a few days."

She nodded and was about to carry her stuff but he beat her to it, carrying her things downstairs. She looked at the door then at the things that were still in the room. When they first came to the house, he made her carry all of her stuff. She wondered what made him decide to help her.

She went downstairs and greeted Mr Sim, "Grandpa."

The old man smiled, "You're leaving today?"

"I'm sorry for the sudden decision. But please visit Seoul sometimes. I promise to be your tour guide."

"You promised," the old man chuckled softly before drinking his coffee. Jake came and sat next to her, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Where do you guys plan to go for a honeymoon?" Mr Sim's question made his grandson choke on his drink. Edlyn was taken off guard and coughed continuously, choking on the cookie that she was eating.

"We haven't even thought about it," Jake said, wiping his mouth. "Well, there must be a place where you want to visit," Mrs Sim, who just finished doing the dishes, approached them before taking a seat next to her husband.

"Jeju. I want to go to Jeju Island," Edlyn said. Jake looked at her, "I was thinking of the Maldives."

"My parents went to Jeju Island on their honeymoon. I want to visit my mom's favourite restaurant. My dad said she used to eat there."

Jake felt guilty and lowered his gaze, facing his hands. She looked at him, "We can go to the Maldives. I don't think going to Jeju would be a good idea."

After the long flight, none of them started a conversation. Edlyn stayed silent and faced away as she stared at the view outside the car. Jake drove quietly, ignoring her who was beside him. He was about to drive home but turned the car to another lane.

"What are you doing? Our house is that way," she said confusedly. He sighed, "I'm craving some ice cream."

They both stopped at an ice cream stall near a park. He parked the car and waited for a while, "What are you doing? Go."

She glared, "What do you mean, 'go'? You wanted it. You go." He frowned, "I already paid for your flight ticket, I drove you back from the airport and you still want me to go buy it? I'm too tired."

She sneered, "Give me money." She put out her hand. He unlocked the car door, "Go. Use your money and buy it for me. I'll pay you later."

She rolled her eyes and got out of the car before slamming the door, "No need. I'm not that poor."

She smiled and greeted the old man, the owner of the stall. She gasped excitedly, "Mint choco!"

The old man laughed, "It's hard to find someone who likes that flavour. It's the least selling flavour."

She pouted, "It's not that bad. I can buy the whole tube from you if you let me."

"What would you like, Ms?" He asked happily. She smiled, "Two mint choco ice creams, please."

Edlyn walked back to the car happily. She got in and gave Jake the ice cream. The older man frowned and sighed disappointedly, "What is this?"

"Mint choco ice cream. Just eat it. It's delicious! The old man handmade it by himself!" She told him as she ate hers. He threw the ice cream to the side and looked away, "Yah! You could've bought me a chocolate chip ice cream or maybe mixed berries. I hate mint chocolate."

She glared, "It's not that bad." She took the ice cream that he threw and dusted it from the dirt. "Maybe I'll practice by putting chocolate on toothpaste," he mocked.

She pouted and looked away, ignoring him. He sighed and glanced at her guiltily, is it that delicious?

He snatched the ice cream back and opened it. She frowned, "Yah! You said you didn't want it!"

"So what? You already bought it. Might as well just eat it," he argued back. He grimaced as he put the food into his mouth.

I'll just eat it since she likes it so much.

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