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Harry spotted Stacey being fuzzy for some reasons and vague about it whenever he tried to get an answer but he let her be as he didn't want to force her for anything . Stacey knew this , she knew how Harry was and for that reason it was much easier to dodge away this problem or precisely saying the consequences of the sin she committed.


The four of them :Stacey , Harry , Celine and Ben were having their double date in the girls' appartment watching a movie when Stacey got a call.

*Unknown number calling *

"Guys wait a minute, i will take this " Stacey got up from the sofa and went to the sofa to get the call .

"Hello , whose this ? "

"Hello ! Is this Stacey ? "

"Yes it is , who are you and how did you get my number ? "

"Stacey it's me grandma , Kevin's grandma ....."


Stacey came back after talking and plopped down on the sofa again .

"Who was it ? " Harry asked .

"A friend from college " she said.

"Oo..ok " he just hummed still looking at her . Stacey gave him a questioning look , he just shook his head in a NO and directed all his attention back to the movie .



Stacey was at a restaurant waiting for KJ's grandma, to meet her as they had decided last night . After around ten minutes of wait the old lady appeared walking through the huge and fancy glass door of the luxurious restaurant . Stacey stood up and greeted her with all the sincerity that was left in her .

"How are you dear ? " Grandma asked with a warm smile.

" Just doing fine granma .. I don't want to be rude to you but can we cut to the chase ..." Stacey was already guilty of not telling Harry the truth about her coming to meet her ex's grandma so she wanted to get it over with as fast as she could .

"I am sorry for forcing you to meet me like this when you wouldn't want to meet me , but I thought that I should apologise to you personally, no matter what . "

"There's nothing you need to apologise for granma , it is not your fault that you have a grandson like him . " Stacey said trying her best to not get angry and badmouth the grandson of the lady who sat across her .

"No it was my fault from the beginning . Actually I came to know about what happened not too long ago and also how you two met. So from that I think I was at fault. I am the one to be blamed. "

"I am sorry granma but can you please explain to me what you are trying to say ."

"Actually , the day we met you at Kevin's house , I thought that you were the one who could mend my kid's heart and make him into a nice person , so I told Kevin to make you his. But neither did I know that he didn't love you. He just wanted a person like you as his friend , a friend who could tell him right wrong , a friend who could give him useful advices and scoldings when needed . I made a wrong assumption and that eventually hurt you . I shouldn't have forced him to be with you . I am sorry dear for what he has done to you . I am sorry on his behalf ."

"It's not your fault granma , I should have noticed it earlier that he never loved me , that he never was committed to me . It was stupid of me, not able to think outside my bubble that had floated very high , a bubble that burst very high up in the sky and dropped me to the ground . But now I am fine. It doesnt hurt now , I don't even feel anything here *pointing to her heart*. I could....*phone buzzing* just a second granma .

*Harry calling*

"Hello "

"Wherayu ? "

"Just out , whatu doing ?"

"Nothing , come fast I'm bored .."

"Can you please hang out a bit more , maybe with Ben and Celine ...it will take me some more time . ..it's fine right ? "

"Yup , fine take your time .."

"Hmm ...byee..."

"Stacey ..."

"Hmm? "

"Love you. .."

"*giggles* yeah I love you too bro ...."

Call end


"Your boyfriend ? "Grandma asks .

"Does it seem like it?" Stacey says with a smile .

"Yeah if you look at yourself now you could tell ." Grandma says

"No it's not like that , we are childhood friends. Actually we started being a couple for the sake of making KJ pissed off , nothing much . I guess he sees me as a sister too . "

" Ohh..hmm ...well , I might have made a wrong assumption once but I would still give you an advice and it is completely your choice to take it or throw it . I dont know about that boy , but you dont see him as your brother at all . That is clearly evident on your face . I don't want to keep you for long now , you can go back . "

Stacey just listened to what grandma said and then stood up to leave after she had finished. She bid her goodbye to the lady and left the restaurant.

Grandma pov .

KJ that brat lost such a sweet girl . She completely is over him now .

...........for the sake of making KJ pissed off.....
*End of FB*

She doesnt call him Kevin anymore. But I'm sure my prediction is right this time .

End pov .

Stacey was walking on the walkers lane slowly still thinking about what grandma has said earlier .

When Harry had proposed Stacey an obvious & untold contract between them was signed , in their minds. A contract which stated that their relationship was just for the sake of the people and they were just good childhood friends behind the curtains. Harry and her didn't even peck each other , not even on the cheeks when alone . So their relation was as pure as can be called holy .

Stacey thought about the times when Harry has protected her , taken all her shitty behaviour not giving up on her even when it was hard for herself to carry on but was still by her side till the end . He never complained , not even for once ; instead stood by her , always beaming a smile at her . She realised that she had always taken him for granted and never appreciated what he had done for her . The good memories kept on piling up and started playing in her mind with photos and videos running in her mind screen . With each of the photos moving in her head , speed of her footsteps increased too. Soon she was running on the lane towards the subway to catch a train .

Stacey pov .

I was thinking about Harry and suddenly I felt a strange stingy feeling in my chest as if something was weighing down ,as if I had a lot of saying to do . And my feet just started moving on its own , running like crazy towards the subway station to catch a train towards my happy pill , my therapist , my friend .....wait I think I'm in love ..... I'm in love .

I rode the train and ran after getting out of the train to him . I ran and ran and ran until I saw his figure standing a few metres away , I ran and stopped just before him .

End pov

"Harry I want to tell you something . Actually I should have realised this earlier and I am sorry for not doing so sooner. Harry I think I ...no ..I am sure ...I am sure that I love you . I love you Harry Miller . " Stacey confessed all smiles. " What's with that face ? " Stacey asked still smiling , not even guessing the reason why the ever smiling Harry had lost his smile and was standing infront of her with the most serious face , for the first time ever .

"Did you love me , when you let that asshole , fuck you .? "

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