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Stacey pov

It might not be visible from outside but I feel as if something from inside of me has been taken out , it feels empty as if there's a hole inside and not just any hole , a black hole,  that keeps pulling things inside trying to break me and the worst thing being , this thing keeps on shattering my insides as soon as I catch a sight of that person for whom I should not be feeling anything anymore. I know that he cheated on me , I know what all he said but until and unless I think about the last moments I had with Kevin , nothing seems to be fake . The time I spent with him from the beginning, the memories we made seems real to somewhere deep inside of my heart , crazy and stupid part of me still thinks that he was sincere all that time and the last thing I should be doing , is trying to take a toll on me , that is to regret what I did , regret the decision of leaving him , regret the decision of not letting him in again in this stupid heart. And those moment when I have those thoughts it makes me hate myself more.
All this made me decide on what I want to do next and the right decision for me or so I thought was to give my most loyal person Harry,  a chance . I don't know what I have gotten myself into next , but all I care for now is absolutely nothing , yeah I care for nothing .

End of pov

Harry pov

Stacey thinks she is strong .  I don't know about others but I can clearly see how broke she is , even this moment when she is just walking by my side giving me empty smiles I can tell all she needs is to stop and cry . Every time I see her face , I really want that jerk to be dead . I want to beat the shit out of him for hurting such a pure soul like Stacey. I know these three had thought of me as their little brother all the while but now it's my time to protect at least one of them if I could . And I would be more than satisfied if it was Stacey , for Stacey has always been the one for me , I might be crazy thinking of all this but I know that she needs me and I can never trust anyone else for taking care of her ever again . I let her be when I first came to college and that was my mistake . I shouldn't have waited for so long to tell her , to protect her . This was my mistake and I should be the one to correct it all now.

End of pov.

"It's club sandwiches right ? " Harry asked as soon as he made sure that Stacey has taken a seat at one of the chairs in the cafe.

"Hmm ..you remember it ." Stacey said nodding .

Of course he does Stacey . All he had to study all his life was you . (Cringey 😜😝)

Harry went to the counter and ordered the menu for both of them and came back bringing the food.

"Here " he placed the sandwiches in front of her and passed the coke too .

The moment she saw the sandwiches the memories came back like a catapult  . And her eyes filled with tears .

Harry knew something was wrong and he was fast to make out that the reason might be  KJ. He stood up from his chair and went to collect her in a hug . Stacey didn't reject his gesture and hugged him back hiding herself in his embrace , wetting his shirt with her tears. After some time when she was done with her crying . Harry went back to sit .

"You sure , you can eat this ? " Harry asked concerned .

"Yeah I'm fine . Im sorry you have to go through all this for me . Actually if you want to you can le..."

"You should try the other sandwiches too . How long are you going to cling on to only one kind . Only then will you know the taste and who knows if your taste changed ." Harry said trying to make Stacey understand things around her in a way he didn't sound rude. And the hell , he was smooth while he did that .

Another day and it was same for Celine nothing really changed : this was what Celine wanted to show the world but even she didn't know that she was also broken from inside . She cursed and hated herself for God knows how many times after saying such things to her beloved sister.  Even though she knew she was right but she still thought that her sister didn't deserve to be treated like that by her . She was under these thoughts when she saw KJ again in the club . The sight of him made her lose her mind and charged towards him grabbing him by his collar

"Can't you just treat my sister well , how dare you cheat on her. Be good to her when she is with you , I am giving you the last warning and if I see you again snaking on other girls I swear I am gonna make Stacey see all this and make sure you two stay away from each other. " but to Celine's surprise KJ didn't look shocked .

Celine pov .

Wait a minute what happened. Why doesn't he look shocked , he was caught red handed then why is he not saying anything , why is he not scared of me telling Stacey about all this . What on earth is going on .

"We broke up "

What ?! Did I hear it right? Did he say that they broke up ?! And why does he have that calm expression on his face ? What was I even expecting from this jerk . I knew he was going to do this . But I am still curious . How ?

"How did this happen? And when ? " I asked.

"Just go and ask your sister. Why are you bothering me ." KJ said turning away .

But I was fast to catch up ."just tell me , what I am asking ."

"I don't know about that too , some jerk told her I was here and she saw me with a girl . Aarghhh I  spoilt my weekend because of all that ." KJ said with annoyance .

"You asshole , do you think your weekend is more important than ......." shut up ..no it's not what I am thinking . Please someone tell me it is not what I am thinking . Please someone tell me , he didn't say it was the weekend when they broke up . Because if it was the weekend when they broke up that means it was the previous day to Joe's b'day . So she missed her bday because she was upset and  heartbroken and I made it more hard for her by saying such things to her. I ruined it for her. I made  her leave the house ....wait house ! If she moved out then ....oh gaawwwdddd my sister she doesn't have a place to live then.

End pov

The first thing she did after deducing all that happened , was to shove out her phone and call her sister. And to no one's surprise her phone was switched off as Stacey changed her phone number and deleted all her social networking apps to get  a break from all the people who were curious about her and her (ex) boyfriend.

But what happened then , if Celine was not the one who sent her the picture and adress. Even though Celine hated KJ from the beginning but she loved her sister more than she hated him , so she never would do something that would break her heart  . She knew Stacey will not be able to handle KJ cheating on her and that was the same reason why she was against all this from the get go . So even though she took a photo of KJ and the girl by his side but she didn't send it to Stacey . And the day she took the photo was the previous day when Stacey actually got the message . The actual person who sent it to her was the guy from the college who earlier wanted to bang Stacey and was punched by KJ instead . Yes the guy with the gym body . He was the one who sent her the photo and adress to mess KJ up .

Damn .....the guy held grudges ..scary .

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