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Celine tried every time she was free to get a hold of her sister . She would try calling her , text her or video call , still left with the hope that she would pick up . She even thought of going to her college but was not able to bring herself to face her . All this things were eating her up when she felt a tap on her shoulder while sitting at one of the benches in the park of her college . She turned to face who it was only to be in a shock of the sight . It was her ex boyfriend yeah the one who had given her the dress she adored the most , the dress that messed everything up but still was her favourite , just like the man standing in front of her right now .

"You fine ?" He asked .

"Yeah I am ..well ..did you come to see me ? How stupid  am I  ...of course not . .ryt ? " Celine asked with a awkward smile but still hoping he came to see her somewhere deep down in her heart .

"I was just passing by and saw you , you look haggard ..you sure everything's fine ? " he asked again with concern .

"Yeah ..I ..I amm..."Celine choked up , words not coming out of her lips but only tears rolling down as soon as she looked into his eyes. He sat down by her side to let her borrow himself , for crying in his shirt. He held her not saying a single word until she was ready to say anything to him . With his occasional pats on her she started sobbing hard , often cursing herself for being a bad sister and pitying her sister in between and at last facing him and apologising for being a brat and not being good to him . Ben Richards had always a spot for Celine in his heart and the last thing he wanted Celine to be was apologetic to him . He shushed her and wiped away her tears with the cuff  of his shirt .

"I didn't resent you even for a bit . I was upset but never was there a time have I hated you so please don't apologise for  anything you have done . I am fine with everything and with you . " He ensured her .

"And now if you want to tell me , only if you are ready . , Im all ears . You can tell me whatever you want to and who knows if I can be of any help ." Ben asked with curiosity and concern painted all over his face .

Celine told him everything that had happened and the only solution Ben had to give to her was , her going and meeting her directly and not procrastinating things . Celine listened to him like a good girl and decided to go meet her sister . The first thing she did after her clases ended was to take a bus to Stacey's college .

"Stace , what about we watch a movie today ? I found one and it is the same as we all liked to watch in old days . Hmm ? " Harry asked Stacey with pure excitement in his voice and eyes waiting for her answer , and the answer to which he had lost a bit of his excitement but not all as he had already imagined how Stacey was going to react because of her condition .

" Ok ." she said with a fake smile that disappeared the moment she turned away from his face .

But Harry still smiled because he was going to wait for her , not giving up on her , not until she was completely fine and out of the dark cave .

They both were walking towards the bus stop , to hop on one to the theatre . When suddenly Stacey grabbed Harry's hand tightly and started pulling him towards the bus that had come to the bus stop and hopped on it .

Harry pov .

It's fine as long as she can be fine with doing other stuff like normal people . I can wait for you Stacey for as long as you want me to. Oh the bus arrived , we gotta catch it before it leaves ....ehhhh wait did she grab my hand , even running , is she fine now . Did the fun Stacey come back , oh she is fast ...... But we are not running that fast then why is my heart beating like it will come out and win me in a race . ....what is this .... Oh god .my body is heating up .

End of pov .

As they both were walking Stacey spotted Celine at the end of the stop , she wanted to avoid her because she didn't want her sister to pity her or be sorry for what she had done to her , so she ran and hopped on the bus not realising that she had messed someone's heart by holding his hands .

Till now Stacey was the one leading but when they got inside the bus,  stacey calmed down a bit so did Harry's heart and he searched for a seat for his girlfriend to sit ,  soon after it happened . And luckily there were seats at the back . He started pushing Stacey from the back towards the empty seats . With one side with girl and the other with a guy sitting Harry made her sit at the one beside the girl and himself sat at the seat beaside the guy . He was happy with his   presence of mind.

"You wanted  to see this movie that bad that you even ran to get in the bus . I had a sense of accomplishment a while ago ." Harry said with a happy smile .

" Oh that I actually , ..." Stacey was contemplating on whether she should tell Harry about her decisions about Celine too . Yes he knew everything that had happened , but she wanted complete liberty on what she wanted to do with Celine , so Harry too didn't say anything on the matters of Celine.  But Stacey thought ,  if she told Harry about what happened earlier she would dissapoint him , so she she decided not to tell him instead . While she was in all these thoughts the bus had stopped with a jerk and she would've flew through from the back to the front if Harry wouldnt have held her by her hood . Harry didn't want to make her sit by the man and the seat she was on was still dangerous if again such unannounced brakes were to be coming . So he just stood up from his seat and went to face her and standing in front of her protecting her from falls.

Stacey pov .

Oh god that was close , I would have broke my nose , only if Harry didn't hold me . I know I am being really mean to him by not reciprocating him even 1% if what he is giving to me  but I just can't bring myself to do so , even if I feel bad for him i don't seem to have any feelings for him and I hate myself for that.  I know he didn't want me to sit by the next seat because a boy was sitting there . He is the sweetest and the warmest person I have met since childhood . Oohhh what is he upto now ? He stood up and now ...........he is infront of me . He is infront of me so that I don't fall over.  This suddenly reminds me of that day .


We were in the club , the club where everything started . I had went there with him , it was not the first time we went there but I just feel so annoyed and irritated from myself now for not realising this then . We went in together and sat at the bar  , after ordering the drinks he left me there to get lost in the dance floor . He didn't even ask me to give him company , he just left like that as if I was not there . I thought that it was the freedom that people need in a relationship and as always the stupid me thought that it would be pathetic of me to cling to him . And all the times were same , he always did that and it hits me now that it was myself who had protected me at times someone came charging towards me or would want to fuck me or when someone would unintentionally or mostly intentionally try moving their hands all over my curves . I really feel as a trash now for believing in him even when everything was crystal clear about him . Now I have decided what I want to do , I am now going to get that prick out of my mind , and this time I am going to give my all and not half heartedly. KJ you asshole , you just wait and watch the new me , the bitch you have created .

End of pov

Harry pov .

"Yeah you were telling me about you running on to the bus , so you really........" what is it , I looked at her hands that were now holding on to my shirt just below my collars. Did I do something wrong , is she going to scold me for something ? No wait , she is pulling me towards her , I feel as if my eyes would get out of my sockets . She keeps pulling me towards her , stop having strange thoughts she might have something to tell me privately ....no she doesn't she is herself coming closer .

End of pov .

And then she landed a peck on his lips , and soon coming back to her seat leaving him dumbfounded , avoiding to face him .

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