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Celine was near to disgusted thinking about her sister and the person beside her together all this while without even her knowing .

"Oh yeah you two haven't met each other right. Kev this is Celine my sister and Celine this is ...." Stacey was cut before she could complete .

"I know him . Very well . " Celine replied glaring down KJ.

"What's with that look Celine and how do you know him ? " Stacey asked.

"Isn't it time you leave Mr. KJ . ? " Celine asked .

"KJ wait , Celine what way of talking is this ? Why would you talk to him like that . ? " Stacey said holding onto KJ 's hand.

"You said he was a nice person . " Celine said now with a bit of distraught.

"Where's the lie  ." Stacey replied.

"Stop dating him. " Celine deadpanned her .

"Let me just explain ." this time KJ interfered .

"No why would you , she is the one talking nonsense right now . " Stacey shut KJ up and faced Celine .

"Won't you get out , you really want to be a part of this conversation.  "Celine gave KJ a last chance to leave .

"Babe it's fine, I'll be in the car. " KJ said and left the appartment.

"I really don't get you. What are you trying to prove here . I thought you wanted my happiness but you just can't see me being happy can't you " Stacey stated.

"What bullshit is that . It's the opposite,  I want your happiness and that's why I want you to stop meeting him . He is not good for you . Stacey please understand what I am trying to say. He is not the kind of person you think he is ." Celine retorted.

"What is he then , like ? " Stacey said calmly ready to hear celine's explanation .

" He is ..he ... he is ..just stop dating him ..he .."Celine didn't know if she could tell Stacey everything she knew , cause she was worried if her sister could handle all that .

"See there is nothing to say , it's just because you are envious of me and my perfect boyfrien... "Stacey said but Celine cut her in between .

"Perfect my ass , he slept with me . Is that enough for you to take. He is a playboy you dumbass. "

" He is what ? A playboy ..*scoffs* you crazy . Ok wait even if he was it was all in the past now he has changed . And as long as you two didn't date it's fine . But if you love him , I can't do anything about it . "Stacey managed to say even if she was flustered at first .

"Do you even hear yourself ? How are you so sure that he has changed. What if he cheats on you , what will you do then . I just don't want that to happen , I don't want you to get hurt that's all.  And love ? I don't love him , and I won't ever love a guy like him ." Celine said with disgust in her last statement.

"A guy like him ? What's the difference there , you are like him too , you are like that too Celine , getting out of different appartments and fucking every boy in the town. So are you not supposed to date anyone . Are you that kind of a girl then .." Stacey refuted to Celine and said all of these things without realising what she has done . But soon she realised her mistake .

"Celine I .."

"*Scoffs with tears in her eyes * I can't really believe you said that. No actually you are right. I am that kind of girl. I don't have any character,  I sleep with any guy I meet in the club and I am a whore if you would quote it , and that's why I know that that guy is not fit for you . He will never be . But now I hope you date him and get hurt by that dickhead ." Celine said what she wanted to and went inside her room banging the door behind her.

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