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Stacey got down dragging her bags with her and waited for KJ to come and get her . After a good 10-15 minutes KJ came and took her in his embrace .

Moving in with KJ made it very easy for Stacey , NO,  not to be with him but being alone in a luxurious penthouse . Stacey had a full packed schedule with her college and her part time work . But even when she got free from her work he would not be home . Someday he would be with her grandma , someday with his college assignments , and sometime he might be having his friend's birthday party , sometime his friend's might need his help . Stacey really missed him by being the closest to him . The only time they had together would be when they went to college or when he dropped her to work . Even though it bothered her a lot still she didn't want to be the clingy girlfriend so she never asked him or complained about the same .

On one such same old boring day when she was busy with her part time work , her phone buzzed , as it was still her working hours she didn't bother checking it . Later when she got a small break as there were no customers on the counter she went to her phone and checked her logs . She had got an anonymous message . It was a photo , not any random photo , but a photo of her own boyfriend in a club . Of course Stacey was not a girlfriend who would be pissed by his boyfriend going to a club , but she would absolutely be pissed by a boyfriend who said he was going to be with his grandma for that day and was seen partying . She didn't think anything else and just went out of the cafe running through the sidelane to catch a taxi not thinking about the abandoned counter or her job. She went straight to the given address and it was the regular club KJ went to and the club they had first met each other .



Celine was swaying her body alongwith the newly found partner who would probably be fucking her later . As she was thirsty she went to the bar and flopped down on one of the bar stools leaning over the counter after she ordered her drink . While staring at the mirrored walls of the bar she spotted the reflection of a  familiar figure . Yeah , it was KJ. She bobbed her head towards his direction with a jolt , hoping to get a glimpse of her sister who she had not seen for a week now. But the view she got was  far from mesmerising , he was with a sister but not hers , she might be someone's sister but not Stacey . She had mixed feelings with being hurt for Stacey , angry for the same reason ; also being cocky for being right about this shitty person . The latter got to her and she picked up her phone to click a photo to  blow up his cover of being a main lead all this while when he really was the bad guy . .

Stacey reached the club . She went in pushing through the hot blooded girls and boys , also earning few curses on her way by some . She went on looking for KJ but to no extent  found him  , at last she decided to go where she had really prayed for him to not be. She took deep breaths and slow yet heavy steps towards the booths . Pushing the doors one by one , her heart beat raising with each one . After 2-3 booths when she didn't find him , she let out a small sigh of relief but with her sigh came the sound of a chuckle that turned to a moan . Her heart sank , she really wanted to believe that it was not the one she knows it is . With closed eyes she went towards the door and pushed it open , only to find a naked girl on her knees with her hands on her boyfriend's lap . Yeah Stacey's boyfriend . Stacey felt weak on her knees and supported herself by the walls . She just shook her head in disbelief and left the place. Stacey went to the penthouse and packed all her stuff to get out of that hell right then . When she was packing her stuff KJ came . She didn't bother sparing him a stare , she just continued what she was doing earlier as if he didn't even exist .

"Stace listen to me , I can explain .."KJ tried his luck.

"Explain , how you fucked her ? Or explain how you fucked the other girls for the past 3 months ? " Stacey hit him with her sharp words with a expressionless face .

"You are taking this too far now . It was not for 3 months.  "

"Is this some kind of court. Are you trying to reduce your punishment by saying that the crime you did was not for the last 3 months but less. Do you even hear yourself . "Stacey stated with disgust on her face .

"Why are you dragging things so much  and what is all this crime and bullshit. Why are you being so pathetic. " KJ said now with annoyance.

"*scoffs* pathetic ? Me ? Mr . KJ I was not the one fucking other boys when I am in a relationship..."Stacey couldn't continue with her whining when KJ shouted at her
" Stop it with that relationship shit , ohhh gaaawwdd this reallly is not the way I wanted all this to be. "

The anger , annoyance and irritation that earlier took over Stacey was now swept away completely and now distraught engulfed her. Her eyes were teary and the mean tears threatened to fall any moment now. All the moments spent with KJ were engulfed by this darkness and awful things KJ had done and said now. She just picked up her bags " fuck off KJ. " and left . It had merely been a fortnight or so and Stacey had moved out of two places already .

Everything was messed up for her ,everything  she wanted had slipped away from her hands . So even without realising she went back to where she used to live in her childhood to go and meet her dead sister. To be where she rests , so that she could go and cry in front of her sister's grave. The place where she laid was the place where the three sisters always played when they were kids . Once she reached there , she dropped her bag on the ground and plopped down herself too not able to hold back her tears anymore. She let go of all those things and cried her heart out. She was too much into crying that she didn't hear the footsteps nearing her and didn't take long for the owner of the footsteps to hold the now so fragile girl by her shoulders .  Stacey looked back to encounter none other than her own mother whose eyes were aslo filled with tears , because she was happy that she was able to meet her daughter after so long and also hurt seeing her like this.  But all she was able to tell her daughter was nothing else than a "it's fine " , yeah that's all . She couldn't think of anything else to tell her and nothing actually came out of her mouth . After she had cried her heart out Stacey was taken back to her house , the house which she left few years back . It was already morning when she reached her sister so the moment she reached her house , she went straight to a deep sleep and when she woke up it was dusk.

Stacey adjusted her eyes to the light and checked the time on her phone . She realised her presence in the place and got out of her room . She saw her mother smile brightly at her , not knowing what to say to her daughter . Stacey didn't give her any reaction but went towards the fancy dining table which had everything on it her mother could cook . Her mother sensed the confused look on her daughter and let her daughter infer the situation . After some time she interfered in the process.

She said " we celebrate Joe's b'day too . " with her words fading away towards the end .

Stacey's mind went blank and it hit her. It was Joe's b'day today . You might think what so special about it  . Yeah it was , it was special for the sisters than the parents who went to her grave on her death anniversary. But for the sisters all they celebrated was their sister's b'day than grieving on her death anniversary.  They had celebrated their birthday together since they had sense in them and this would be the first time they would be  apart for the three's b'day if stacey be away from Celine . Stacey rushed inside the room picked up her phone and left to grab a ride home . It took her 2-3 hours to get back home and the day was already over . It was 1 am when she reached back home , Joe's birthday was already over . Stacey ringed the bell as she didn't find the spare key under the mat . After ringing it for 5-10 times the door was pushed open .

"Celine ...I ..." Stacey was cut in between .

"Shut up ...just shut the fuck up . I wouldn't have mind , if it was my birthday but how could you  miss Joe's birthday . Is that asshole worth this ?  Does he mean more to you ?  More than me? More than Joe ? For Christ's sake Stacey , just go to hell , just go away from my sight , just get lost with your so perfect boyfriend . Now I really don't give a fuck about you and your fucking life. " Celine shouted away all she wanted  and then shut the door with the loudest bang with tears in her eyes .

Stacey just stood there not knowing  what she should tell her sister .  Wondering, how fucked up she was . Wondering, how things came to this . Wondering , what went wrong . But she had the answer to all this , it was KJ . And KJ was her fault . Now only thing she could do was to cry , just cry again and again and again until she could get rid of her eyes .

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