Chapter 29

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I heard the sound of the rippling water splashing around me as I glided through the calm lake. I felt the cold chill of the water on my bare body as I swam towards him. 

The moon illuminated my surroundings and I saw him standing there. Water dripped down the curves of his muscles as he ran his fingers through his hair.

He smirked as he looked at my form. He was much taller than me, but the thing that caught my attention most (surprisingly NOT the four arms he was sporting) was his eyes. Bright blood red that practically glowed in the darkness. 

"You know we are not too far from a village... we could be caught in our indecency." I heard myself say.

I heard his deep chuckle as he pulled me into his arms, "It's amusing you believe I would allow anyone to see so much of you. Your beauty is for my eyes and mine alone." His voice was deep, sending shivers up my body. The cold no longer bothered me as the man held me in his arms. He practically exuded heat, his skin warm to the touch.

"Is that so?" I heard my voice say as I leaned up to place an innocent kiss on his lips. 

"You doubt me, my prize?"

"Me? never."

He smirked, a fire in his eyes as he pulled me impossibly closer. "Is that mocking I hear in your voice, my heart? maybe my prize needs to be reminded of her place once more." Teasing dripped from his words as he places kisses across my wet skin. 

The heat once again spread through me as he began to-


I jump in my seat waking from my short nap. Yuji sat at the desk next to mine as he tried desperately not to laugh. My teacher glared at me standing right in front of my desk.

"I'm sorry did my teaching interrupt your beauty sleep? Try your best to stay AWAKE in my class. Consider this a warning Miss Inumaki, do NOT let it become a habit." She scowled at me walking back up to the front to continue her lesson. 

I rolled my eyes looking back at my giggling boyfriend. I took notice of the similarities between Yuji and the man in my dream. Maybe it was some weird subconscious dream. Probably just some kink caused by "sex-crazed mommy" issues or maybe the "dead daddy" issues, really it's a toss-up.

The end of day bell rang and people began to stand but the teacher interrupted. "Remember today is the last day to turn in your club selection forms if you haven't already. Our school REQUIRES at least one club activity so make sure you choose by tomorrow morning. Class dismissed." 

I stood up putting my books into my backpack before Yuji took it and slung it onto his back. He reached out and grabbed my hand before heading towards the door. 

A few girls cooed at how cute we were. We even had a Fanclub, the YUKIKO STAN CLUB, It wasn't official or anything, it was just a joke in our class. We usually caught attention in the halls of our school.

"I swear it's like a k-drama!"

"They are so cute!"

"I wish my boyfriend carried my bag for me." 

"She's too hot for him."

That last one was none other than Yuu Honda, I rich boy who had a pretty creepy crush on me a while back. He confessed and I rejected him, which he did not take well. He became really creepy.

In middle school, Yuji beat the crap out of him after he was caught trying to take a picture up my skirt. Ya sooooo dodged a yandere bullet I guess. 

He's not really a problem anymore though. He's terrified of Yuji after what happened and I'm always with Yuji so YAY FOR YUJI "CREEP REPELLENT" ITADORI !

"What about the cooking club? You're really good at cooking stuff!" Yuji said breaking me from my thoughts. "Eh. Ya but you hate cooking. Track and field? You would do great in sports."

"Ya but you hate sports, and I don't think it's co-ed so we would be separated. Besides sports teams practice too long so we wouldn't be able to go see the old man! So let's just eliminate all sports clubs. OOOOO What about Singing? You have such a pretty voice, Tsuki-chan"

"Nah I really hate being in front of people. What about-"

"LOOKING FOR A CLUB?!?! HOW ABOUT  The OCCULT RESEARCH CLUB! " I heard someone from behind me. I jumped into Yuji's arms letting out an unintentional girly squeal out of fright. 

Yuji stared at me for a few seconds before pulling me close and cooing about how cute I was when I was scared. 

"Stop it! I'm not cute. AND I WASN'T SCARED She just startled me."

"AWWWW How can you say your not cute Tsuki-chan! Look you're even cuter when you pout!" Yuji teased, successfully annoying me. 

A throat cleared and we remembered we weren't alone.

"Listen you guys don't even have to do anything! You can be ghost members. You can leave by five! We just really need members to be a club so PLEASE!" I recognized the upperclassman Sasaki and Iguchi, they were kind of weird but nice all the same. 

I looked at Yuji, "Up to you, I don't really care what club we join." 

Yuji nodded thinking for a second before smiling at them.

"Sure why not! We'd love to join your club." still holding me like a damn baby. I blushed realizing I was still in his arms. I squirmed pouting trying to get down. I felt Yuji chuckle as he watched me struggle. 

"Yuji put me down!"

He just shook his head before aiming an overexaggerated kissy-face in my direction. 


I rolled my eyes before placing a short kiss on his lips. A smug look took over his handsome features as he finally allowed me to escape his hold. 

My senpais stared at us with smiling blushy faces, "AWWWW KAWAII !!!!" 

"I hate you," I said hiding my blushing face in Yuji's chest. 

"I love you too, Tsuki-chan"

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