Chapter 16

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Selene's POV*

I woke up this morning with a very bad feeling.

Sukuna slept peacefully as I got up, far too early, to start making breakfast. I hoped a distraction would dull this foreboding feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

Something is going to happen today.

I don't need cursed energy to feel that. 

The markings on my face changed as I whispered, "Boil." Instantly the kettle was screeching with pressure. 

I don't know why I have the most sickening feeling...

"SELENE?" I heard the deep groggy morning voice of my love call out. 

"Out here!" I called back. 

Seconds later I heard heavy footsteps walk up behind me. His arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into his chest. 

"Not only have I been awoken at an ungodly hour..." He practically growled into my neck making me giggle at the ticklish sensation. "But I awoke alone. I do not enjoy waking up and seeing you missing Selene. So please explain why I had to endure the momentary panic of reaching out only to feel an empty bed." 

Even though he said it in a playful, mocking tone I knew what he meant. What's wrong?

That bratty king is simply too much of a tsundere to actually say it. 

"I don't actually know... I just have a bad feeling" I whispered as I continued to prepare breakfast. 

He lifted his head and gave me the closest thing to a concerned expression he was physically able to make.

"I don't know, Ryo... I have the sense that something bad is going to happen today." There was a worried edge in my voice. 

His grip on me tightened slightly. "Nothing could possibly threaten me... I am the king of Curses. Not to mention my secret weapon. The voice of a goddess that dictates the earth itself. We are untouchable, baby girl." 

I smiled at his attempt at comfort as well as his faith in me. But the feeling did not go away.

"Hubris is the cause of many tragedies, King of Curses." 

"Only to mortals my little witch." 

I plated the food. The rice and the salmon were placed on the table as I finished making the tea. 

"Still... I would feel better if we moved on from this town. We made quite the spectacle at the festival last night. I'm sure by now news of the tragedy has spread to the sorcerers." I said handing him his tea.

"If staying makes you feel uneasy, my prize, then we shall leave tonight. It's safer to travel in the dark."

Something is me told me, Don't wait! leave now while there's still time. 

But the night had always been safer. Sukuna is right. There is no possibility that they could hear of our being here and rally a force large enough to be seen as a threat in such a short amount of time.

But that little voice in my head...

For the first time, the darkness will not be an ally so much as an omen. 

We continued to eat. Chatting lightly about different topics such as, where should we go next? I know that the cherry blossoms will soon bloom. I would really like to go and have a picnic under the cherry blossoms. 

And just like that, I pushed my worries away. I had Ryomen...  What have I to fear?

My biggest regret was not listening to that little voice in my head. 

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