Chapter 13

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That was my first thought as my eyes opened to a new day. 

I am in crisis. 

Everything is sore. 

Ryomen Sukuna slept peacefully beside me, his two right arms securely locking me onto his chest. 

Last night was.... wow. 

I knew even before attempting to use them, my legs will be utterly useless for the next few days. 

Sukuna you bastard you did this to me so if I hear one complaint about carrying my bruised ass everywhere, I will cut out your tongue.  Then my thoughts drifted back to last night. No.... never mind I need your tongue. 

I'll cut off your hands? no not that either. 

I'll.... nope I liked that. 

How about! nope that too. 




Yes ryomen Sukuna if you complain about having to carry me, I WILL CRY! and not the ugly cry! The pretty, "how could you" type of cry. THE ONE YOU FEAR MOST!

"Why is my dear prize pouting so early in the morning?" Ok, how in the hell did he do that. He didn't even have his eyes open. 

I didn't respond and just scowled deeper. One of his eyes fluttered open and stared at me. 

"Now, now my little Selene... I thought we were gonna be a good girl from now on." A small smirk crept its way onto his face. 

Now that pissed me off.

"If I didn't love you I would have to kill you for that," I growled.

His eyes burst open and stared at me with awe. "What?" He muttered. 

"Damn I didn't mean it relax I don't plan on killing you... yet." I was mystified, he knew was joking right? Does he think I'd actually kill him?

He sat up faster than lighting, pulling me along with him. I groaned at the quick movement, my aching muscles screaming in protest. 

He grabbed both sides of my face forcing me to look at him. He was so close I felt his quick breath fan my face. 

"Don't be an idiot that's not what I meant! What did you say before that!" His eyes wide as his eyes bore into my soul. 

"Jeez, ryomen! All I said was that if I didn't lo-" It was only then that the significance of what I'd just said hit me. 

Oh my kami.... 

Did I just say-

"Shit."  My eyes grew wide at the realization.

"Selene.... say it again." 

I couldn't my thoughts were frozen. 

He pushed me down onto the bed hovering over me. "Say. it. again." 

I looked up at him, my heart beating out of my chest. 


My face flushed. He didn't move a muscle as he waited for the words to leave my lips. 

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