Chapter 6

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After last night's incident, Sukuna refused to let me leave his side. He warned me never to talk about it again and I was in no spot to go against him. 

We sat together near the coy pond I fell asleep by. My fingers combed through his hair as I slowly massaged his newly healed scalp. His eyes were closed as he lay on my lap, but I could tell he was not yet asleep. 

The soft wind made the sunny day so pleasant. I smiled to myself as I gazed down at my companion. 

My fingers lightly began tracing the black markings that littered his face and he hummed with content.

"Oi Angel?" his voice was dripping with sleep. I hummed in acknowledgment to let him know I was listening.

"I was thinking. We haven't really pushed your cursed technique very far. Maybe there's more to it." He spoke with his eyes still closed. 

I looked at him with confusion, unconsciously stopping the movement of my hands. Sukuna growled with irritation, "I didn't say you could stop! Are you so small-minded you are incapable of talking and still-" "What do you mean more to it?"

His eyes opened and he glared at me with annoyance. I knew he wasn't going to continue until he got what he wanted.

I sighed and continued to play with his hair and massage his face. "Who knew the King of Curses was such a spoiled brat," I muttered under my breathe. 

"What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing! go on..."

He allowed his eyes to close again and his face to once again relax, "As I was saying. You are only constrained by those silly little rhymes because that is how the witch taught you to focus your cursed energy. My theory is that it's the voice, not the rhyming that powers your technique"

"I don't understand."

"Well, my prize, you started out with rhyming because it made you focus on exactly what you want to happen. I think with some practice you can simply speak and the world will obey."

I thought about it for a second. Is it possible? To simply speak and it works. It would make it easier than coming up with rhymes. 

"How would we do that?" I asked tilting his jaw so his face was more directed at me. 

His eyes slowly opened and he looked at me blankly, "How the fuck should I know? It's not my power. Figure it out...Troublesome woman, always wanting me to do the work!"

He's right. I need to figure this out. 

If my problem was always focusing my cursed energy on my words... Maybe I need a different way to focus it.

"Oi! Stop that! That faraway look!" the King of Curses is such a spoiled brat.

"You know I heard that the nearby town has a world-renowned ramen shop. Would you like to go for lunch?" I asked softly pushing his hair back. "...Whatever" he growled. 

He usually does as I please, unless it is in any way bothersome to him. My king brat... such a tsundere. 

He sat up and helped me to my feet. We walked arm in arm down the pathway towards the village. The village wouldn't last the week but it was nice to have these days off.

As we walked through the village there were citizens hanging up streamers, vendors setting up stalls, overall lots of life and movement. "It appears that the humans are preparing for a festival," Sukuna smirked. 

I could already tell by the look on his face that he was scheming up endless ways to use this for entertainment. (Not normal ways like actually GOING to the festivities)

"What say you, Angel? Shall we make an appearance? I'm sure it's bound to be entertaining," Sukuna smiled.

"I'm sure you are right." I smiled softly at him. 

"Now where is this famous ramen you were begging me for?" You know I sometimes think he hears only what he wants to hear. 

What I actually said: "You know I heard that the nearby town has a world-renowned ramen shop. Would you like to go for lunch?"

What Sukuna heard: "Oh Please my almighty lord Sukuna! I will do anything for you. All I desire ~BeSiDeS yOu~ is some ramen! I'll do anyyyyyythingggg!"

Honestly such a child...

"It's right up ahead." 

It is not uncommon for us to be stared at. We are uncommonly beautiful, we aren't human after all. So I wasn't put off by the drooling citizens as we walked by.

We were gods among men, why shouldn't they stare?

We entered the ramen shop and everyone turned to stare at us.

As usual, we paid them no mind and sat down next to each other at the counter. 

A young-looking man approached us. He had messy blonde hair and warm brown eyes. His eyes were soft and kind. His face held a certain warmth that exuded innocence. He approached to take our order but when his eyes found mine he froze.

His eyes grew wide as he looked at me and a slight blush covered his cheeks. I heard him mutter a wow before he shook his head and finally approached. 

"W-what can I get for you!" He stuttered and his blush only grew. I sent him a slight smile as gave him both Sukuna's and my order. He smiled brightly and went to go place our order.

My eyes followed him, "He's a cutie, isn't he? like a little puppy." 

It took me a moment to realize Sukuna had yet to respond. I finally turned to look at him and found his eyes already glaring into mine.

He was livid.

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