Chapter 4

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"So little lamb... we have much to discuss." Sukuna reclined in a relaxed daze.

"Such as?" I asked sitting down in front of him. He closed three of his eyes but allowed one to rest on me. "Such as what are you? You aren't human that is for damn sure." He grumbled as if he had just woken up. 

"I am a witch," I said with confidence.

All confidence fled my body when I heard a hardy laugh coming from Sukuna's direction. "What the hell does that even mean? So you're a jujitsu sorcer? then what is the nature of your cursed energy?" 

I tilted my head in confusion. Jujitsu? Cursed energy? What is he talking about?

He furrowed his eyebrows at my confusion. "You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?" He asked with interest. I shook my head no. 

Sukuna was now wide awake. His eyes were alight with interest. "If you do not know of cursed energy... how is it you use it?" 

I still didn't know what he was talking about. "My mother was a curse. My father was a human." I stated hoping that would answer his question. 

"Impossible I've never heard of such a thing." Sukuna sat up now. He rested two of his elbows on his knees. 

"Well maybe the wise Sukuna, isn't as wise as he believes himself to be." I smirked. That may have been a bad idea. In a second he was on top of me. my back pressed harshly into the ground as sukuna hovered above me.

Our faces were so close that our noses touched. My face erupted with a blush and I tried to turn away. One of his hands held my jaw so my eyes were fixed on him.

"Be careful what falls from that pretty mouth of yours, my sweet. Otherwise, I will have to put it to work." He smirked as he stared at me. 

After a few beats of silence, Sukuna returned to his previous spot acting as if nothing had happened. 

"Cursed energy is an energy everyone possesses. This energy is utilized by those pests the Jujutsu Sorcerers for various abilities that can be used to kill curses... So, what is your ability?"  Sukuna asked. 

Once I had collected myself I looked at him once again with confusion. "Freya... a witch that helped raise me taught me to draw my power from negative emotions and focus it... with spells." 

Sukuna's face held annoyance, "THAT IS CURSED ENERGY YOU HALF WIT!" He sighed and rubbed his head. "Because you are the spawn of a human and curse you most likely just have an extra-strong supply of energy... How do you focus your energy? Show me."  He demanded 

" I learned to focus it through rhyme. Little spells. like this..." I closed my eyes and focused all of my power on my words. "Come nigh wind, come hurricane. Make the clear sky weep with rain." As I finished the words a burst of energy exploded from my body. 

Sukuna's eyes widened as he heard the rain begin to fall outside. He stood and walked to the window looking up at the sky. 

He started with a slow chuckle in his chest. But the longer he stared at the rain the more his laughter grew until he was menacingly cackling at the weeping sky. 

He turned quickly to me, causing me to jump at the sudden movement. "Oh yes, my little flower... You will be very useful indeed... It seems fate has brought us together, my prize. The earth itself bows before us."

He leaned forward and pressed an excited kiss on my forehead.  

He wasn't scared...

I showed him my power...

yet he smiled. 

He didn't try to kill me, he didn't call me a monster. 

His smile radiated like the sun, lighting up the whole room. 

I'm not a monster to him... I'm a prize. 

For the first time in a very long time, I felt happy.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked up at him. His smiled faded as he glared at the tear falling down my cheek.

"Why are you sad?" He asked with... concern? no not concern. 

"Stop doing that!" He growled. 

"Doing what?" I giggled through a sob. "THAT! Crying... it makes me feel weird. Like I wanna kill someone but not in a good way. I don't like it! STOP!" He grabbed my face hoping that it would make it stop. 

I giggled fully now at his naive silliness. I jumped up and embarrassed him. 

My arms wrapped around his neck as he stood there in confusion. "Thanks..." I whispered as I buried my face in his neck. 

He awkwardly patted my back, "You are a very strange little witch. Are all witches this troublesome?" 

I smiled, "I thought you said there was no such thing as witches." 

"Yes well... I suppose even I have more to learn." Sukuna whispered looking out at the falling rain. His arms wrapped around me, though I don't think he was aware of the embrace. We sat together... just watching the sky weep. 

The Sun and The Moon (Sukuna X OC)Where stories live. Discover now