Chapter 5

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It has been a few weeks since I joined Sukuna on his journey of destruction.

Word spread far and wide of our power. Of course, it was greatly exaggerated. 

They called us vengeful gods. Or King and Queen of the end. Saying that we controlled the earth and all who inhabited it. They are not far off I suppose.

Over the past few weeks, I've learned a lot about my power. For instance, I can not use the same spell twice. I also learned that I can make things happen to people (such as a heart attack, induce sleep, or take away their voice) but I can not control the people themselves. Sukuna told me to tell no one. Of course, as always I listened. 

It's not just my powers I've learned a lot about. I learned a lot about the Curse King himself too. 

He has some strange obsession with physical contact. In some way, we must always be touching, whether I play with his hair or he rests a hand on my knee it doesn't matter.

He doesn't like me using my power too much. In his words, "It makes the bloodbath too easy. It takes all the fun out of it." I just roll my eyes, he places a kiss on my forehead and completes his games.  

My relationship with Sukuna was... complicated. It was obvious there was some form of attraction between the two of us, but it went entirely unsaid. 

I knew I felt strongly for him. And I think he feels something for me too.

But neither of us will ever admit it. 

Every once in a while Jujitsu Sorcerers would come to kill us. We easily obliterated them together. 

We were the perfect team My strategy made up for his impulsive blood lust. And his strength protected me. He needed me, for comfort, for stability, to center him. And I needed him to feel alive, to feel happy. 

In a matter of weeks, Sukuna has become the gravity that keeps me on earth. 

My fingers ran through his hair as he laid with his eyes closed on my lap. He was fast asleep. I lifted his head so that I could get out from under him. Replacing my legs with a pillow. Still, he slept soundly.

I decided to go for a walk outside. It was very late and I wasn't yet tired. I walked for a few minutes before I found myself at a coy pond. The flow of the water was so soothing. I sat down to rest and before I knew it the rippling of water had lulled me to sleep.


When I had awoken it was morning. The sun was already up and I was still by the pond. "Oh no," I whispered to myself. I had been out all night. 

 I raced back towards our current abode at full speed. My lungs burned as I ran back towards the house praying that I made it back before Sukuna woke up. If he realized my disappearance, I fear he will do something extreme.

I slowed my pace as the house came into sight. Uh oh.

I notice the door ripped off its hinges now lay abandoned in the front yard. The windows were all smashed to bits. As I entered the house my eyes widened at the disaster that was once our tidy home. 

Every plate, vase, chair, or piece of furniture was utterly destroyed. 

I heard an angry roar and the sound of something breaking in our bedroom. 

I was prepared for his wrath, I was prepared to be scolded, I was even prepared to be killed... but I was not prepared for what I found. 

Sukuna was on his knees. Two of his hands dug into his scalp so harshly blood pooled down his face. His other two hands grasped at his chest. 

His breathing was harsh. But what startled me most were his eyes. They were wide and full of panic. Tears pool at the corners, not yet falling yet still visible.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no" He mumbled again and again through his ragged breaths. 

"Sukuna!" I shouted. But he couldn't hear me. I slowly walked closer to him. 

I knelt in front of him and took his face in my hands. "Sukuna! I'm right here" 

His eyes looked in my direction but they seemed to look straight through me, not seeing me at all. His nails dug deeper into his skull and chest.

I closed my eyes "heart of fear, dread volcanic. Calm his heart and ease his panic." My power erupted from me and I saw his eyes come back into focus.

His breathing calmed and he released the hold on his skull and chest. My thumbs rubbed comforting circles on his cheeks. 

"It's ok. I'm right here." I whispered. 

His eyes look sad, "I-I thought...." He closed his eyes tightly and swallowed. When he opened them again all sadness was replaced by unbridled rage. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!?" He growled out grabbing hold of my wrists. 

"I'm sorry. I went for a walk and fell asleep." I answered honestly. I placed my forehead on his, "I'm so sorry I worried you." I whispered. 

"NEVER. EVER. Go someplace without me. EVER" His words were harsh but there was a shakiness to it. He engulfed me in an embrace and stuck his head in my neck. 

We sat in silence for a while as I ran my fingers through his hair. 

"You smell like outside..." Sukuna growled from my shoulder digging his face in farther.

I chuckled slightly, "Well you could use a bath yourself... your hair has blood in it." 

"Never make me feel that again..." 

"I won't I promise." 

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