To Raising Hell

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"So What?"

"So why the heck haven't we done anything yet?  Mr Ferra is going to be expecting at least some progress when he gets back." I state seriously, knowing we only have a limited amount of time but Kade is acting as if Mr Ferra hadn't just told us to practice in the meantime while he takes a phone call.

"Because... the second we do this things are... going to change."  He says slowly and rubs the back of his neck, looking away.

"Change? Change how?" I take a step forward and he looks up, my movement catching his eye.

"Well... you know that bond you feel with Aryn. How his Fire magic calls out to you?"

I tense but nod and he sighs,

"If I teach you how to use your compulsion, you're..."

My eyes widen as the realization sets in, as the knowledge from my book in Dark Magic comes flooding back "going to feel that with you too"

"And slightly more at that. It'll actually weaken your bond with him. That's why—" but I don't give him the chance  to finish because I close the distance between us, until his emerald eyes are close enough to reflect the curiosity in my own blue ones,

"The bond between him and I will lessen? Really?" I mean I had read that but really? I thought there were only certain Dark Magic bonds could dampen other Level 10 element bonds. I hadn't known compulsion was one.

He nods, "Well theoretically, thus I think we shouldn't —"

"No we have to. Besides Mr Ferra telling us too — if my and his bond weakens then maybe him and Kimberly will actually have a chance."

He sighs once more, rubbing his eyes with his long slender fingers  in exasperation, "You really don't like him, do you?"

I scoff, "What gave it away?"

He smirk and shrugs, "Fine but if we do this and you end up falling hopelessly in love me then—"

I roll my eyes even though the prospect of having that extra attraction towards Kade does scare me. I mean, he's attractive enough already but I have to do this. If I have any hope of escaping Aryn's affection — this is the best bet.  "Oh,  I think we're safe from that happening." I say with fake confidence.

Kade smiles that smile at my words and I purse my lips, okay — he can so not keep smiling like that around me. Not if he's going to help me unlock my compulsion.

"Well if you're sure, tell me when you're ready. It's really not too late to back out now Miss Most Wanted. Otherwise, after this, our criminal partnership is pretty much a done deal."

I can see the challenge, it's clear in his gaze, lacing his words and glistening in that annoying grin so I step forward and stick out my hand,

"Like I wanted to tell you before Mr Mayhem," his eyebrows raise at the new addition I added to my already growing list of nicknames for him, "it seem trouble has become too obsessed with us to stop following us now. I may be good at escaping but some things are just inevitable. "

Kade smiles and I feel my heartbeat trip in my chest. He takes my hand, eyes dancing with chaos "Some trouble is worth running from."

I smirk and move our hands up and down, finishing the formal handshake, "and some is worth chasing." I see his eyebrows raise at my quip but let go of his hand and take a few steps back before he can hit me with detrimental grin of his again,  "Now come on," I take a breath,  "let's do this."

𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora