How to Reject a Prince

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I try and calm myself down and go over the plan in my head as I walk down the stairs and out side towards some stone benches in the garden. Okay it's not so much a plan per say but more of the Do's and Do Not's I plan on following tonight.  No one is here yet but they will be soon... and I'm freaking the heck out. I'm going to meet the person that allowed my future self to get killed, the people who did the actual killing and the girl it all depends on but I'm okay. I'm just thinking happy thoughts...

like the food...

Rich people food is always good. Like tiramisu, crème brûlée, any French sounding dish. I am actually starting to salivate when I hear the first carriage (and yes like the whole bippity boopity boo Cinderella carriage) pull up. I tense but  will myself to take a breath and prepare myself to see who steps out. Instead, like the coward I am, I do a full 180 and walk straight behind the marble walls of the Kingdom,  deciding to rather wait it out. Guests will be arriving and so will my potential enemies. I'll wait until everyone arrives. That's right,  the more people there are, the less I have to socialize with the princes. The carriages trickle in and out as I look up at the sky, pick a daisy from the garden, count leaves on the trees, hum quietly under my breath, and do anything and everything to distract me from the fact that my father will be arriving in, I glance down at the pocket watch attached to my purse, fifteen minutes. That and the fact that at that time, I'll need to be in same room as the princes. I sigh,

"God, why are the Princes even coming?" I mumble and to my surprise, a small chuckle sounds from the left of me. I spin toward the sound to see a boy with dark blue hair and green-brown eyes.

"Well you don't sound too fond of them." 

Oh my gosh. Why didn't I even hear him? I take a moment to get over his impossibly good looks but then I remember that this is a made up world so pretty people are kind of a given but then my heart clenches as I truly take in his unusual hair color. I close my eyes and try not to panic. Tell me, in a total of roughly 60 people invited tonight, what are the chances of meeting someone with blue hair? You see, I've done the math and double checked the guest list. I even rummaged through my stuff and managed to find a Tourist Guide book which, thank God, had pictures of all the reigning families of the various kingdoms. That's why I know I'm right when I say there are exactly 3. Only three people, and two of which, if my memory serves correctly, are the twin capture targets. And from the pictures, one of them is standing right in front of me.

"Oh this is so not happening."  I whisper under my breath but clearly it's not soft enough from the slight confusion in his eyes.

"Who are yo—"

"That's not important." I hurriedly cut him off, knowing entraining conversation is the last thing I should be doing. I look down, trying to think of the quickest way out of this scenario.  Suddenly a thought pops into my head. I remember something about Delia going on about cool powers which each character has. A faint fragment of memory tells me that one of the said powers is compulsion. I look up, seeming to catch the prince off guard and close the distance between us in seconds. His eyes widen as I move closer and closer.

"Uh, what are you—"

I stare directly up into his eyes since he's at least 3/4 of a head taller than me. "Forget you met me." I say solemnly and try to think of all the vampire movies and books I'd  come across about compulsion and try to mimic what they did.

The guy looks at me, confused a moment and I almost think I've succeeded in compelling him to forget but then he just leans down a little closer and whispers,

"Do you have compulsion?"

"Depends." My voice is tense, I try not to flinch back and hold on to the hope that maybe the compulsion takes a while to take effect.

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