I'm Who Now ???

698 14 16

I wake up with a gasp, my eyes blurring and focusing trying to adjust my vision. A shaky white ceiling gradually steadies as my vision rights itself.

"Oh my lady, are you okay? I am so terribly sorry about the water, I don't know who spilt it but—"

I have no idea who is speaking but I can't help yelp when I accidentally press too hard on the small raised bump on the back of my head. "Oww. " I mutter afterwards, temporarily forgetting her presence.

I try to sit up but a pair of warm hands start guiding me. I look up to meet a pair of honey colored eyes and a warm smile. "Oh dear Princess," the pretty lady says and I'm too stunned by the affection in her voice to even comprehend the fact that I'm letting a random stranger so close. "How are you feeling now?"

I open my mouth to speak but close it again, tilting my head at her. "Grand." I mumble as I truly take in my surroundings for the first time. White marble walls with meticulously painted portraits of a young girl with some people I've never seen but somehow, look vaguely familiar. Bookshelves filled with novels line one of the walls and petit potted plants with impossibly long leaves hang from a few stands by the window. Sunlight is streaming through and outside is a beautiful poppy field. My eyes widen. Where's the snow?

"Sorry Princess but what was—"

I spin to the sound of the voice, not even bothering to apologize for interrupting as I say, "Where the heck am I?"

Her eyes widen and I manage to stand up, which is shocking, considering I'm pretty sure I was just hit by a truck.

"My Lady, please sit down and have a rest, I think you are tired and—"

"Was I kidnapped?" I stare accusingly up at her and from the complete shock and  slight fear in her eyes, I get my answer. "Okay that was a stupid question." I start pacing, up and down the hard oak flowers. I turn back to her and she jumps slightly, "Am I..." I take a breath and look away, "Am I Dead?"

"Princess Alexia I think it's best if you—"

My eyes shoot to hers. "Princess Alexia?" Why does that name sounds so familiar? I start pacing again, trying to recall exactly how I ended up here. But at least I'm alive! Alive and pretty sure I'm going crazy and belong in a mental institution but alive no less. I look up once more, about to ask exactly who she is or how I got here and why she keeps calling me Princess and My lady but I catch my reflection in the mirror. I pale, my eyes widening as I feel the blood rush out my cheeks. My body goes cold, my heart picks up its pace and my breath ceases. There it is again, that split second before disaster hits except this time; it's realization. And when it does hit, I wish it hadn't because the girl in the picture, the one with pretty blue eyes and long brown hair — I suddenly remember where I know her from. She was the villain in an otome game Delia used to obsess over — Kingdom of Hearts. But worse than that, the girl in the mirror, the girl who moves when I do and can't possibly be anyone but me, isn't me. It's her. I am her.


"You have got to be damn kidding me!" I yell at my reflection, startling the kind pretty lady who I now deducted, if my hypothesis is true, is a type of servant.

"Oh, uh — sorry." I turn back to her and give her my best smile. She somewhat returns it, looking more than a little scared. "Uh, could you please tell me exactly where I am."

Her eyes widen but she nods, "You're in your room, in the left wing, of the King's castle in the Aaerih Kingdom, Princess." I try not to quiver, as I ignore the fact that that's the exact name of the place where the villainess used to live.

"Thank you and, uh," my eyes flick to her name badge, "Caroline." I smile and she does too but it's not any more at ease than before, "exactly how did I get here?"

𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕...Where stories live. Discover now