Cinderella & Prince Charming

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*Note : the above video while complied and edited by me,  is none of my own content. The song belongs to a The Wrecks and the pictures and videos belong to those who made them and I got them off Pinterest.*

Okay we're back:

Back to Alexia's P.O.V

We get back just in time for the second part of the session as Mr Ferra calls out:

"Okay everyone, that was good. Now swap partners. I want levels matching. If you're a level seven don't duel with a nine. You're asking for an injury and these are new mats so let's try keep blood splatters to a minimum, hmm?"

I can't help laugh at his words. It's like he's Aryn from the future.

"Princess Alexia!" I spin around to see Tristan, his olive green t-shirt setting off his eyes and high lighting his broad shoulders.

"Hey!" I probably sound way too excited but I'm eager to take a break from annoying/ confusing Aryn.

"Hi." Aryn adds in, giving Tristan a close lipped smile.

"Hey Aryn, mind if I steal your partner?" Tristan looks to Aryn and Aryn shakes his head

"She's all yours." He pushes me forward slightly and I turn back to glare at him

"Well you're eager to get rid of me."

Aryn shrugs, "I got injured within two minutes of battling you."

My eyes narrow, "So it's my fault you weren't focusing?"

"Mhmm." He nods and takes a step closer, "Believe it or not Alexia, when your self professed enemy asks you out on a date, you tend to get a little distracted. "

I scoff about to reply when a small somewhat hoarse voice interrupts. "You asked him out on a date?"

I turn back to Tristan, who's looking dejectedly irreparable. "Yes. Tonight at the ball. Anyway, I'd love to be partners if you still want too."

Tristan looks sad a moment longer before shaking it off, "I do."

He offers me a hand and I place my own in it. "Perfect. Let's go"

I walk with him to a mat far enough I can barely feel Aryn's presence anymore.

"So" he turns to me as we both get into combat position, "What made you suddenly change your mind about Aryn?"

I shudder, knowing this question was going to come "uh, hormones I guess. You know, teenagers are crazy like that."

He nods slowly "so you like him then?" The small centre of a ball of wind starts forming in his hand.

"Uh can we maybe save this particular conversation for another time. You know, when we're not trying to destroy each other." I put up a fire shield as the wind sphere plummets towards me.

"Sure" that's all he says though. He doesn't try make conversation after that, doesn't tease me about calling him hot or do anything remotely Tristan like. And that bothers me. That's why I put my hand up, signaling a pause in our match and walk up to him. His eyes are downcast, his shoulders despondent. Seeing him like this prompts me to say:

"Tristan?" His eyes shoot to mine. The difference I had made so slight but from the look on his face I can tell it made a world of difference. I had dropped his title. A big deal to Royals.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Can we talk after class? I think I owe you an explanation considering I did tell you particularly how much I hate Aryn so this probably seems crazy to you."

𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕...Where stories live. Discover now