Saving You ×͜×

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Dedicated to fantasyplaces17 thanks for all the comments. They Make my day :)

Also I've made some changes to powers. Please ignore what you read in the Character descriptions if you read them before I took them out of the story.  Thank you !

Please note that all the same things apply as before for the character videos I make. None of the content is my own and I get the tik Toks and pictures off Pinterest. The song is called C'est La Vie by the Weathers."

Kade's P.O.V

I can feel Aryn's glare on me in maths. His red furious gaze that's practically burning a hole into the back of head. The scary thing though, is that he actually could if he wanted to and in all fairness, I don't blame him. Honestly, I wasn't even expecting Alexia to forgive me for telling him but she did and even said it wasn't my fault. While that may be somewhat true, I think it's a pretty mature way of thinking. Mature and also potentially life threatening to me because now my best friend is looking at me like I'm a dart board and  he's resisting the urge to use his beam compass as the dart. From us dancing together at the dinner to her exclaiming her relief that it was me sitting next to her instead of Aryn and her taking the blame for me in class this morning — it seems everything's coming up roses for me but thorns for him. That's not the case though, Alexia and I haven't even had much contact until yesterday night. We just get along pretty well as friends. Surely he knows that even though Alexia is undeniably beautiful, smart and funny as hell — I won't make a move. I know he likes her so why would I ? I'm not like Tyne and Tristan who were practically goners when they found out she could tell them apart and talked with her at the party three years ago. I'm not like Kei who likes her because she was the first girl to choose him over Aryn. I'm not like Aryn himself who likes the one girl he can't have.  I'm just the guy who warned her that I had messed up and that my best friend is going to try win her heart again. I'm just the guy who helped her open her locker.  I'm just the guy she happens to know a huge secret about and coincidentally keeps saving because of it. She said it herself: the only thing blossoming between us is the first buds of a great friendship.  If Aryn knew what really happened yesterday, things wouldn't be so tense. But he can't know. I can tell Aryn is genuinely going to have my head if I keep hanging around her so as fun as our friendship was while it lasted, I think I have to ask Mr Henderson if he can swap Aryn and my seats. And try keep my and Alexia's interactions to a minimum.

The bell rings and I quickly pack up my stuff, ready to get the training session for today out the way so during lunch I can go  talk to Mr Henderson.

I race to the changing room, pull off my blazer, tie, pants and shoes; changing into the standard black sweet pants and the first clean shirt I pull out of my gym bag. I'm already waiting in the training stadium when the rest of them arrive. They change while I ask Mr Ferra about the agenda for today. He says we're going to be doing matches, individual pairs in front of everyone so he can correct us where we need it and also help others learn at the same time. It's more practical  this way yet also a lot more competitive since those not sparring watch those that are.

"Alright, now that everyone's here and have finished taking up ten minutes of our already minuscule amount of time doing something as simple as changing clothes — I can start explaining." Mr Ferra's usual callous voice says as the others come to stand on mats in front of him too.

"So, for the new pupils — what we're doing today are practice duels where the aim is like it was in our training session yesterday: to best your opponent using your powers. The same rules apply: no foul play or unsportsmanlike behavior. Levels don't apply today so it's more like a real life situation. However , theoretically you all should be at least a 7 if you're in this class so the range won't be too big. The catch is that today each match will be done in front of your peers but more importantly myself, so I can help correct your errors which will help correct everyone's in turn. I'll read out the pairings now: Kimberley and Kade, Harley and James, Nina and Tristan, Tyne and Jaya, Zac and Kei and  Aryn and  Alexia,"

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