
157 2 8


Antique downhill

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 21 Bastard! Bao Xiaobailianbao is here!

    As soon as the little fat talked about it, he felt that something was exposed, so he hurriedly covered his mouth.

    Unity was dumbfounded: "I rely on, can you guys get better, what kind of pheasant company is there? The employees are unprofessional, tax evasion, and daily harassment of female customers?" The

    little fat ghost sobbed.

    Solidarity justice asked: "What did you do the business license?"

    After a long while did not get an answer, he glance prolonging the sound: "The original is still operating without a license ......"

    chubby ghost: "......"

    so a It is indeed very irregular.

    But what business experience can a group of wild ghosts who have become a monk have? What's more, the times are changing with each passing day. Ghosts of their age can think of the historical background of online marketing companies already very good. You must know that there are many uncles and aunts from the Republic of China in their team. Ghost chubby little aggrieved: "I really do not know how to do these things, as well as hiring, wages were not high here, generally tell you know each other, who knows what will be entering into such a thing ......"

    unity recent righteousness After reading a lot of knowledge, I feel that I have made great progress in career planning. I can’t help but be amazed at this chaotically managed company. I listened to the young man named Lu Que next to him coldly saying: "You are in such a shameful environment, The entrances and exits are all lonely and wild ghosts. Even if you don’t actively look for it, it will attract a horrible evil spirit. Is it weird?"

    The little fat man suddenly realized that he was full of ghosts, and then he began to worry, if he wanted to be like this person said, how can the business of the haunted house continue in the future? This has only been open for less than a month before something goes wrong. If you run into an old man and an old lady again, it is estimated that the claim alone will make their team go bankrupt.

    He was downhearted: "What should I do? I didn't mention this in the customer questionnaire during the previous market survey. It's really difficult to start a business."

    He suddenly remembered something and looked at Lu Que, who seemed to know a lot, with gleaming eyes: "Da, Master, don’t you know how to catch ghosts? Would you please give us a way?"

    Lu Que, who was asked by a ghost for the first time, said: "..."

    Unity Yi said in surprise: "You still want to open this haunted house. "!" The

    little fat ghost said of course: "That's for sure, the funds have been invested in, we spent a lot of money on decoration and hot search! We have to pay back."

    At this time, Wei Xi finished the last one. Guiju hiccups unconsciously and raised his head.

    The little fat ghost was stunned again in an instant, and he shrank his head like a quail, for fear that the other party would rub himself into the same spaghetti.

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