Chapter 1 - Bad day

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He is not very good at this. Not even one bit.

We've been in the library for two hours, but he keeps staring at his phone and, consequently, ignoring me completely. I wanted to tell him that, but he just smirked seductively. That is in his nature. He takes nothing seriously, nothing but him is important in his world and he couldn't care less.

But he has to get a good grade or he will be kicked off the team. And nobody in the school wants that to happen.

Matt Taylor is used to getting what he pleases; if it's about a girl or just pizza for breakfast. Just one look from him and every girl falls to his feet - me too, I have to admit.

"Come on," I ask for the hundredth time. "Can you at least try and concentrate?" He doesn't even look away from his phone, which makes me angry and most of all annoyed. I push back my chair and stand up and, with a loud bang, it falls on the floor and only then he looks in my way. "Going somewhere?" His voice, rough, hoarse and low, pleasantly trembles my eardrums. I could listen to him all day long. "I won't sit here anymore, waste my time and try, if you are just going to act like an idiot."

"You can't leave," he says so calmly I shake.

"Watch me!" All around the library people start shushing me. My cheeks blush vividly red. "Sorry," I whisper back.

I leave and he doesn't run after me like in movies, he doesn't ask me to stay. Of course he doesn't, girls beg him and besides, I am nobody.

I hear stepps and think he changed his mind, but he just walks past me and through the doors. He doesn't even hold them for me, which is why they hit me directly in the nose, so I stumble back. The pain is almost blinding as I check for blood. Luckily it's nothing, but I was sure it at least cracked. "Talk about ladies first!"

I pull out car keys and press a button that opens my old, rusty car, which's once nice black is long gone and now it's just dingy. With a sigh I sit on a seat and check my nose again. I take a chocolate bar from a compartment and give up to its pleasure during the time of driving home.

There's an unfamiliar car in front of our house. I swallow too big of a bite and almost choke on a chocolate. I manage to cough it out, but the result are messy hair and red face. If I didn't know better, I could say I was making out.

I take my backpack from the seat and strongly close the door. I don't know who I am angry at, but I am at someone. Screw you Matt Taylor. You and your perfect life. Mine is far from that.

I try to unlock the door and they are, as usual, broken, so I have to go trough the window. Although my brother and my dad are at home, I can't hope that they will let me in. They never answered the door so I eventually stopped trying.

Window is never closed, because that broke too about two years ago, so I just lift it up and crawl inside. I grunt and squeak, falling into the living room, where my brother and his friends were watching tv but now they are all staring at me with their mouths wide open.

My brother throws a pillow at me and screams. "Laken, what the hell are you doing?"

"Sorry Andrew," I mumble and get out of there as quickly as possible. I hear dad in the kitchen, talking to someone, but a woman pushes me out as soon as I step in. "Piss off," my dad says quietly.

"Hello to you too," I say to a wall. "My day was fine. No, nothing special happened. Yes, Matt is still an ass. No, thanks I have to study." All of these are answers to questions that nobody ever asks me.

As soon as I open the door to my room, I am welcomed by my puppy's snout. Austin - the golden retriever puppy I adopted, when his previous owners abandoned him on a clinic I worked at - immediately start's to sniff my socks and jumping up and down.

"How you doin buddy?"

I scratch him behind ears, his little paw hitting the floor.

Hope you liked it and please give me a feedback in the future. Your opinion is very important part of this story. Also, some parts of this story are going to be mature, so...yeah I just thought I should warn you.
PS: The picture above is of Austin.

Hopefully, Lazyonthebalcony

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