Mini side story 3

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Mini Side Story: Heartless Cold Face Part 3

"Itchiness. A bit of pain and fidgety," the moment Cold Face finishes, Yuqi loses her concentration.

The office is quiet. In the spacious room, there are only the two of them. His jacket is lowered half-way and the reddish colored wound is like an eclipse on his shoulder. His skin color is of Yuqi's favorite kind: slightly tanned; most probably due to long periods of training, it's also firm and strong. And especially when looking at his shoulders and back, you can tell that this man's body is.......

Not buff yet wild.

Just like every time she checks his wound, the view is too exceptional; it's becoming more and more intense lately. Due to the visual shock, Yuqi didn't listen to what he said clearly, but she's too embarrassed to ask him again. Therefore, she lets out an "Mm.," and answers, "I'll prescribe you some more medicine then."

Cold Face responds, ".......Okay."

There's a bit of turbulence in the man's heart. A voice says: she indeed does not have him in her heart. His words were so ambiguous and full of hints; he would never tell someone who's not close to him that he feels "irritated." But she doesn't care at all. Another voice sighs quietly: she is indeed soft and cute; very soft and cute......can a man's fidgetiness be treated with medicine?

Yuqi is a smart girl, so she prescribes the medicine to him quickly; two boxes of vitamins and one box of protein powder.

Cough, cough, he's a criminal investigator, isn't he? She sees the Black Shield Team always eating fiercely at the cafeteria, chowing down big plates of meat. It's probably a good idea to have him take some supplements.

Cold Face puts his shirt and jacket back on, takes the medicines, sweeps his eyes at her and doesn't say anything.

Yuqi keeps calm and smiles slightly, "See you."

Cold Face is a manly man who likes to take charge like Jungkook nonetheless. He gets up without showing any expression on his face, walks to the door and stops suddenly.

"We'll see each other again, Yuqi."

Yuqi doesn't know how to respond, "......"

Right after he leaves, she wants to bang her head on her desk: I'm done for, I'm done for! He must be thinking that she was brushing him off by giving him vitamin and protein powder. Just listen to those fierce words of his: We'll see each other again! He even remembers her name. She hears that he's never friendly toward women, so he must hold a grudge on her now!

She seems to be able to see her secret feelings for him leave with the wind.

Sigh, Minghao. A man who comes and goes like the wind......

And at the same time, Cold Face, the man who comes and goes like the wind, has just returned to his seat in the office. His hand is still in his pocket, holding onto those few boxes of medicine.

Although he doesn't understand why she gave him vitamins, just thinking about her every expression full of cuteness and her every word just now, his heart is tender yet agitated. He looks down at the boxes again. His handsome face that never shows a lot of expressions slowly reveals a bit of redness from the agitation.

The vitamin she has given him.......

He eats it all.

After that, Cold Face has simply been too busy, so they haven't made progress. But at least he's kept in touch with Yuqi. This keeping in touch is actually......

Every three to five days, he would bump into her in the cafeteria. The Black Shield Team would obviously act as a team and sit in the tables around her, leaving the best view to Cold Face letting him observe his girl at all angles. If there are any male officers trying to take a seat near Yuqi, Lalisa and Bambam would immediately rush over like guardians and force the individuals away by sitting beside her themselves; successfully guarding her for Cold Face.

Furthermore, Cold Face, who normally doesn't pay attention to other officers getting wounded, would actually send them to the medical office himself. He would watch them get treated. Someone says feeling strange, "How come Cold Face is acting so friendly these days? He's not......hehheh, trying to pursue that little girl from the medical office, is he?"

The Black Shield Team sure is black (evil). They must not alert the other party when their member is secretly pursuing her, so Big Boss Jeon stands up and says indifferently, "Cold Face has too little contact with other colleagues, so I told him to go."

After his many visits, the two of them gradually know each other better. Cold Face learns that this woman has no boyfriend and has even turned down a few officers in the station (ha......). Yuqi also learns that although Cold Face seems cold and unfriendly on the outside, he's actually very considerate. A few times when he accompanied his colleagues to come, there were a lot of details that she didn't notice and he would remind her. He currently has no girlfriend. His ex-girlfriend broke up with him because he was always too busy at work. He's really not the type that falls in love easily, so he has been single for all these years. If she were to be his girlfriend, she would definitely not hurt him like that.....

What should she do?.....She seems to like him more and more.

This long and unpredictable attempt at probing and coming closer finally ends one weekend.

This weekend is the province-wide police kickboxing competition. Originally, Cold Face, who has won numerous times and is considered the best of the best, didn't care about participating. But Black Shield Team's idiots: Lalisa, Bambam, and Chatterbox insist that he must get the top place.

He doesn't really mind, so he agrees to go.

And after knowing his participation, Yuqi hasn't been able to calm herself down and has been fidgeting the whole day. Once it's evening, she arrives at the venue early.

(to be continued)

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