Chapter 6: Beginning of the Battle

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There are actually many rumors regarding Jungkook.

Some say, he is the best criminal investigator.

His out of this world investigation skills and fierce personality make up this incredible detective whom even the most cold blooded criminals are afraid of . He reportedly had spent seven days and nights without sleep just to catch one of the most wanted criminals. When he arrested him, his emotions were already close to the edge of eruption; it is said that no matter which murder case falls into his hand, they will never go unsolved. There was once a difficult case that had been troubling the local police for months, but after he paid one visit to the crime scene, he was able to confirm the suspect...... An old veteran criminal investigator who had worked with him before commented: You cannot not remain unconvinced by him. His brain is like an intricate computer; his logic and calculative skills as well as his attention to detail are unbelievable; his pace is surprisingly fast too.

But there are some who say that he is the worst criminal investigator.

Although his skills are unimaginably incredible, he is unconstrained and bad tempered. It is said that he was originally hired by the Ministry of Public Security as one of the most distinguished young specialists, and the youngest first class officer, who was to stay at the central government office However, he insisted on being a regular criminal investigator at a local station, which made the Ministry of Public Security very mad.

Rumors also say that he hasn't been getting along well with the Chief of Provincial Police and other fellow officers. It's because he is proud and aloof; he's not close to anyone. When he's on a case, he works relentlessly: others who work with him feel exhausted: no one can stand it.

Furthermore, he often requests for days off and disappear for a few days or over ten days. No one knows where he goes to or what he does; he does not work collaboratively at all.

Some even say that he often hangs out at the red-light district; dining, drinking, gambling, having sex and all the like; his lovers are all across the country. But this is an unconfirmed rumor; otherwise, he would have been kicked out of the central government long ago.

Due to his fame, Lisa had also once imagined what this Great Master looked like. He must be a manly man who's fierce, bad tempered, and unrestrained.

Of course, she had also imagined him as one of the typical men who frequent the nightclubs. She thought that he would be a matured man in his thirties; probably with a scar on his face and missing a finger on his left hand or something.

Who knew that when the two characteristics are mashed together, he would look like this?

Young and handsome, cold and fierce, and full of hostility.

Lisa glances at this "rumored" man again.

She has always been someone who becomes tough when she meets another tough person; meeting his serene yet provoking gaze, she is full of determination. She fiddles with her necklace with one hand (this is her small habit; most detectives have this kind of gestures or habits), and speaks in front of the other police officers who are full of anticipation:

"According to victim Jia, she has not have any conflicts involving money or arguments with anybody. She is also unfamiliar with the suspect's body figure. Of course, we will still need to investigate her social network further. But based on other similar sexual assault cases that happened in the victims' homes in the past, it's very possible that it was done by a stranger.

There have not been any other sexual assault cases using similar methods in the area or in Jiangcheng as a whole. Therefore, this should be the suspect's first offense. Since this is an old area, the streets are complicated, so people who are not from around here would easily get lost; but he was well planned for the crime. He must have spent a lot of time stalking her before. Therefore, I can conclude the following: one, it's possible that he lives nearby or works close to here. The main search area is within 5 kilometers; two, he has enough free time and flexible hours to be able to plan and commit the crime. "

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