Chapter 31: Dearest T (2 of 2)

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In the control room, everyone is staring at the blank monitor screen with a stern face. No one moves or makes a sound. Only Namjoon is holding the intercom, communicating and giving out commands to the criminal investigation and special police teams who are on the chase.

"We're still behind him! Our distance is five hundred meters!"

"Watch for your safety! He is armed with a weapon!"

"F-k! He's gone into a residential area, and we don't know which road he has taken!"

"The one on the right! The left one and the middle one don't have any coverings, so he definitely won't pick them!"

"It's okay, let him go. We've already blocked off the road with our cars at the end of it!"

It's a race against time. Just from hearing the policemen's voices makes Lisa feel all tensed with her blood rushing inside.

But then she sees Jungkook lowering his head suddenly. He picks up the map from the table and bends down to look at it.

His movements don't capture anybody else's attention. Lisa walks over and stands beside him.

"What are you looking for?" she asks in a low voice.

Jungkook doesn't answer; his finger on the map moves across it slowly. Lisa also looks down. The map shows a forested area and a park, and beside the park is a lake.

Jungkook's finger follows the green area and moves slowly upwards until it stops suddenly. He raises his head and says, "Subway station!"

Namjoon, who's next to him, is stunned for a second before he reports the findings to the team immediately, "Be on the lookout that T might abandon his car, travel across the park, and leave by subway!"

But they're too late.

The area of the park is big. Since it's Saturday today, there are a lot of people there.

A panicking voice from a police officer soon comes onto the intercom: "Captain Namjoon! We've found T's car. It's been left beside the fence outside of the park!"

"There's too many people. We can't tell who is him!"

"Let's hurry to the subway station!"


Two hours later.

The Black Shield Team returns to their office, and Namjoon also goes with them.

This has been the closest they've gotten to catching T ever since the first incident. They almost had him; forcing him to abandon his car and escape on his feet. But they still missed him.

Bambam stands in front of the projector screen and explains to everyone, "From where T disappeared, there is only one subway line. The Northbound line would take him to the suburbs, while the Southbound line would take him back to downtown. The police teams are currently searching at every stop. but there hasn't been any progress. T has been very careful. He didn't leave any fingerprints on the vehicle. "

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