Chapter 8: Handsome Bastard

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The moon is not visible, and the thick clouds are like a patch of ink that won't dissipate, hovering over the entire sky.

The alleys at night are spooky like in dreams.

Lisa runs using her full energy.

The light above her flickers. She can only hear the sound of wind blowing, her footsteps, and her teammates' footsteps.

This is only a couple hundred meters from 5 South Lane, where the incident happened. Therefore, despite the fact that they can't pinpoint the exact time the incident happened, the moment someone reports a crime, she dashes in with the speed of a rocket If the offender is still nearby, they must not let him escape!

Perhaps this is futile.

She has already run past three streets and hasn't found anything. Her other teammates haven't relayed any news on the walkie talkie either.

Lisa has no sense of direction to begin with, so after running around for a while, her head hurts. She pants as she stops at an intersection. But her eyes glitter when an abandoned four story building comes into view.

The surrounding buildings are low, and this one is considered the tallest.

She decides to climb to the top floor to help her chase down the suspect. But just as she approaches, she hears thumping footsteps .

Lisa immediately darts her gaze to where the person is coming.

A man in a black shirt and pants walks out from the corner.

He's walking quickly in his slim figure.

His facial features are handsome and captivating.

Who else can it be besides Jungkook?

He sees her too. His deep set eyes don't carry any expression. He heads up the four-level building the moment he turns.

Lisa is stunned, but quickly follows after him.

The corridors are narrow, and even the stairs are chipped and crooked: carrying a smelly scent of sourness from mildew and dirt. Although Lisa has always been a brave person, she is a little scare of the dark. Thankfully she has bumped into Jugnkook; she's not as scared hearing his steady footsteps in the front. She subconsciously follows closely behind him They soon reach the third floor.

But once they're on the platform of the third floor, Liaais speechless.

Jungkook is standing a meter or two from her, staring what's in front of him. He also doesn't know what to say.

It turns out that the fourth floor has already been half demolished by a bulldozer. Only one side of it is left; leaving it bare and exposed like a soil hill. The problem is that there's a flat wall standing right in front of them. It's about two meters high, blocking their view.

There isn't anything that they can used to help get themselves up. There's no way that a person would be able to climb up by him or herself, let alone the fact that she's afraid of heights.

Lisa turns to look at Jungkook.

It's very dim from where they're standing, so his body is not fully visible, adding to the effect of his cold and dark aura. Even though they're a few steps apart, Lisa can still smell the scent of his sweat, and hear his powerful breathing. Obviously, she's exhausted, but he's still full of energy. This is not the first time that Lisa has seen his fitness and energy. She can't help but feel depressed when compared to him. Due to the fact that they haven't cleared up their new and old grudges, her voice sounds a bit annoyed as she says, "What are you waiting for? Give me a lift, and then I'll pull you up."

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