Chapter 73: Giving Up Love for the Rest of Life Part 1

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Amid the haziness,  Lisa feels that person's hand on her neck loosen, suddenly Her body loses support and falls to the ground in an instant. Like a patient with asthma, she gasps for air.

It's still and quiet behind her again.

Her throat is burning. It hurts so much that she can't feel anything. Her consciousness is still a bit blurry. Lisa struggles to get up immediately and turns around. With her body swaying, all she sees is the empty basement and the staircase. Not a glimpse of that person can be found.

She holds her neck with one hand and stumbles her way up the stairs to leave the place. The sky is already very dark. There's nobody in the house either. At a distance, she can see a group of investigators exploring the backyard area. The moment she steps into the yard, the bright white searchlight on top of a police car stings her eyes. She raises her arm to block her eyes and limps towards Jungkook.

Jungkook has just finished a phone call from the bureau chief. Atter hanging up, he recalls the image of Lisa squatting in the basement and immersing in her own thoughts just now. He can't help showing a slight smile.

He looks up and sees that the others are digging into the soil in the yard. They've already found some dead cats and dogs. They all have different degrees of bone fractures and wounds. It's possible that Chen was using them as practice tools.

He turns his head subconsciously and is stunned in an instant.

Lisa is walking over to him. The light illuminates her face. It's pale and almost lifeless. Her neck is covered in bruises and finger marks.

Jungkook dashes over to her. But someone in front of him is even quicker Taehyung in his white lab coat drops his pen and notebook and reaches out his arms to support her. He cries out, " Lisa, what happened?"

Everyone looks towards them in shock. Lisa looks at Taehyung's frightened and painful expression and shakes her head slightly, "I'm fine Just now... "her voice is extremely raspy.

In the next second, a strong pair of arms removes her from Taehyung's embrace. She lifts her eyes and catches Taehyung frozen in his expression She also sees Jungkook's eyes. His eyes are dark and cold as they stare at her willfully. His arms are wrapped tightly around her. He then lifts her up horizontally off the ground.

"What happened?" his voice is cold like ice.

Tears flow from Lisa's eyes immediately. She reaches out her arms and hugs him.

A lot of people come to them and are all in shock. Bambam says full of anxiousness, " Lisa ! Lisa ! What happened? What happened to your neck?" Seokjin also comes over and says in shock. "Junior (female) Classmate? Are you alright?" Namjoon shouts his orders, "Close off the area immediately! Lisa, did Chen come back and attack you?"

Lisa glances at Jungkook and then sweeps her gaze across the faces around her. Namjoon, Taehyung, Cold Face, Chatterhox, Bambam, Kim Seokjin , Yoshi , three other investigators, and two forensic officers. These are all the people present.

"Just now......" she says with her cracking voice and then asks slowly. "who entered the house? Who came out of the house?"

Everyone is stunned.

Everyone who's present is an elite criminal investigator. Who doesn't know what she means? This house has already been sealed off by the police and there are many officers patrolling the area. The possibility of an outsider being able to enter the place is too low!

No one says anything.

Bambam murmurs, "Lisa, everyone has been coming and going. We've all been inside before. But...we're all our own people. "

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