Chapter 115: Until the End of Time Part 1

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It's a very clean warehouse.

The walls, ceiling, and floor are like new; not even a speck of dust can be found when touching the place with their hands.

There is nothing in the warehouse.

The Black Shield Team stands inside and is all speechless for a moment.

Chatterbox is the first to speak, "Holy shit, they're toying with us!" Bambam also lets out an emphasized, "hmph!"

"No need to hmph," Jungkook says indifferently.

They immediately shut their mouths.

Lalisa is standing beside Jungkook and is also feeling a bit disappointed. Although Jungkook already expected that they've escaped, they've actually spent so much time on cleaning up the place. It's clearly a sign of provocation.

An officer comes running in with a white envelope in his hand, "Leader Jeon, the truck outside is just as clean and no traces can be found. However, we found this."

Lalisa and the others all open their eyes wide. Jungkook takes it and opens it up.

It's the same white and delicate letter paper. The writer is still the same cautious and perfectionist L..

"There are no paradoxes.

And there is no evidence of their actions.

There's no way that we would lose to Locard's Exchange Principle.

Good day, and wish you all the best of luck."

Signed by: A; L; R.

It's afternoon already. At a trade center nearby the warehouse, a noisy and busy road stretches across its entrance; cars come and go and pedestrians fill up the area.

Lalisa comes out of the warehouse. She sees Jungkook standing by himself beside the road far away. His back view is tall and lean. She wonders what he's thinking about. Just a she is about to walk over, someone calls out beside her, "Lisa."


He's wearing a white lab coat, gloves, and a mask; only revealing his bright and clear eyes.

Lalisa asks, "How come you're here?"

"Just to look around," he answers, "I've pushed back on my other tasks to follow this case." He pauses before continuing. "You don't need to worry too much."

Lalisa stares into his gentle eyes and suddenly understands.

Although she hasn't told him about what happened back then, he must know about A entering her home and the letter written to "Big Sister" found at the scene of the explosion.

Therefore, is he devoting all his efforts to this case to protect her?

Lalisa smiles at him and pats his shoulder, "You don't need to worry too much either. My team is with me nonetheless. This is a dangerous case, so you should also be careful about yourself."

He nods and a hint of a gentle smile floats across his eyes. Just before he can speak again, Lalisa misses Jungkook in her heart, so she says without looking at him, "I'll talk to you later."

In the busy streets, her eyes are focused on Jungkook's back view as she walks toward him.

Taehyung stands still and watches her quietly. His gaze is just as concentrated as hers.

After a while, he turns around and enters the warehouse.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jungkook turns his head and sees Lalisa staring at him concernedly.

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