Chapter 55: She's Better Than Me (2 of 2)

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The corners of Lisa's mouth curve upward as she flips through some documents. She then hears footsteps and chatter coming from the doorway.

The deputy chief of the criminal investigations department is walking past with two unfamiliar faces from the meeting just now.

Lisa puts down the documents immediately and stands up. At the same time, she sees the deputy chief talking to one of them and pointing inside, "This is the Black Shield Team's office. Have a look around, Professor Kim. Lisa, pour a cup of tea for Professor Kim."

Lisa nods right away.

But the person answers with a smile, "No need. You people always like to bully those of us who study criminal psychology. I'm here to cheer for her, not to drink tea."

The deputy chief laughs out loud. At this moment, someone hands the deputy chief a document to sign, so he steps aside.

And that person walks in by himself.

Lisa observes him. He looks to be in his early thirties. He's wearing an exquisite and soft textured suit and a white shirt accompanied by a light blue striped tie. His facial features are handsome and he has a refined demeanor. He doesn't look like a professor whom the Deputy Chief speaks of, but rather, he looks more like a young lecturer or an upperclassman from the criminal psychology faculty.

He smiles slightly and holds out his hand towards her, "Kim Seokjin."

Lisa has heard of the name before.

Kim Seokjin, one of the youngest criminal psychology professors in the nation. He works at a brand name school in Beijing. Due to his incisive views that don't conform to the norm, he is famous for often suggesting many bold theories and profiles. He occasionally helps the Beijing police out with solving cases. But probably due to his radical approaches, people from both criminal psychology and the police have polarized opinions about him. Some believe that his theories are ridiculous, while others feel that his criminal psychology is the future.

Lisa smiles and shakes hands with him immediately. But she murmurs in her heart: what is this almighty big wheel doing here? He must have been the one who was staring at her non-stop in the meeting just now.

As if he could read her mind, Kim Seokjin stuffs both of his hands into his pockets and explains smiling, "I have a big research project going on in Province K, so I'll be staying for a while. Your deputy chief found out and forced me to come, saying that there is a criminal psychology talent in Province K that he would like me to meet. After taking a look today, it looks like he was telling the truth. Your report was done quite well. It even made me feel moved. I never thought that there would be someone who would persist and practice criminal psychology in the local area."

His words make Lisa feel warmth and excitement in her heart. She answers with a smile, "Professor Kim, you're too kind. Being able to have you here to guide the way is really supporting and benefiting for me."

She says these words in a very honest and sincere manner. Kim Seokjin's expression softens as he nods and raises his head to look around, "Give me a tour of the Black Shield Team?"

The Deputy Chief has also returned after finishing signing his documents. He walks in and pats Kim Seokjin's shoulder, "My dear junior classmate, please have Lisa take you to look around. I have some matters to tend to right now, but my secretary will come pick you up for lunch." He then looks towards Lisa, "Lisa, I've promised you guys before that I would hire a criminal psychology professor as a consultant for the Black Shield Team. And now there's a very good candidate standing right here, so grasp the opportunity well. He's not easy to get. Please also tell Professor Kim about T's case as he's very interested in it. I have to get going now."

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