Chapter Five

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Isabella Romano POV- 

         "Come here you slut, where the fuck did all the food go? Did your uglyass eat it? Katrina said taunting me, "Did I say you could eat it?!"  I trembled as she put her sweaty hand around my already bruised neck. 

        "I- I didn't eat it, it was Jim, he ate it," I managed to whisper out while taking a shaky breath of air. I was telling the truth but I knew she wouldn't believe me, heck she didn't even believe me when I said I was at school last week. She always thought I was at a boy's house. 

        "Bitch don't lie, Jim said you ate it! And Jim wouldn't lie, would he?" she said, allowing me to smell her alcoholic breath. 

         I had two options here, say the truth which she wouldn't believe or lie, though I knew both answers would end the same way. Being beat. I inwardly sighed choosing option two. 

        Shaking me head no, I felt a kick by my knee, ultimately sending me crashing into the kitchen cabinets. 

        "Boys do your thing," she said, motioning for her friends to come out. Both smirking, I knew this wasn't going to be a normal beat. They made their way towards me. Jim's hands were clasped together, Bob's were holding something. It looked like rope but I couldn't completely tell because of the black dots in my vision. Or maybe it could've been because of the pulsing pain in my head. but who knows? 

       I started kicking my legs as Bob tied my arms to my back. 

      "Stay still you bitch, or are you too impatient for what's to come?" Jim said, while laughing. 

       "Get away from me you fool!" I screamed as I felt Bob's hand on my stomach. 


       "No can do babe, we paid your mother good money to do this." Jim said. I screamed, loud enough to wake the neighbors.

     "Bella, wake up!"

      "You'll never get rid of us babe, NEVER, we're stuck with you till the day you die, remember that!" they said before disappearing. I looked around, I was in a completely black room, and in a split second I could see the faces of my 'mother' , Jim and Bob. They were all chanting the phrase, "Till you die!" Taunting my misery, my pain. 

    "Isabella Romano! Wake up!" 

       I shot up, panting with tears dripping from my face. I looked around the room to see the faces of my brothers, all with worried expressions including Dante. 

      As my breathing slowed down, Marcello broke the silence, asking the question everyone wanted to know, "What the heck was that?"

      As my breathing slowed down, Marcello broke the silence, asking the question everyone wanted to know, "What the heck was that?"

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Third Person POV- (during Bella's nightmare) 

       An ear piercing scream woke the six brothers, All making their way out from their rooms simultaneously. Alessandro, Elijah and Dante were holding guns. Looking around they saw that the screams were coming from Bella's room. 

     Alessandro rushed towards the door, followed by the others. Bambina (baby) open the door!" Alessandro yelled while twisting the knob  continuously. Alessandro turned around, silently signaling for Dante to break the door down. 

    As the while door came down with a crash, everyone froze in their spots, Bella was thrashing in her bed, yelling inaudible words. 

    "Bella," Adriano whispered to her, in an attempt to wake her up. 

    "Bella," Elijah said a little louder. 

   "Isabella Romano! Wake up!" Dante shouted, making Bella shoot up from her bed. She was covered in sweat and had tears rolling down from her eyes. 

  "What the heck was that?" Marcello said, asking the million dollar question. 

    After catching her breath she answered, "A nightmare, it's nothing to be worried about though." 

    "Are you sure? Because that didn't look like a normal nightmare, we heard you scream from our rooms." Adriano said

    "Guys move! Lemme talk to her," Emilio said, making his way onto the bed. Shooing everyone out of the room with his hands. 

    "That was a memory, wasn't it?" he questioned when he heard the guys' doors close. Bella hesitantly. 

     "I went through the same thing when dad died, I still get chills remembering what happened that day, seeing his body with blood pouring out of it through gunshot wounds. I always had nightmares after that, it stopped after I told Alessandro and Elijah about it, they helped me with it. I'm not telling you to go tell them everything that happened to you that you get nightmares from, but consider telling them or one of us when you get comfortable with us." 

    "Will they judge me?" she whispered. 

    "Of course not, all of us love you, including Dante even if he doesn't show it." Emilio said back to her, "I remember when I was around seven, Alessandro used to tell me and the twins about you, he always said he'd get his piccola farfalla (little butterfly) back."

     'I should tell him what happened, he seems really nice plus he said telling people helped him' Bella thought to herself. 

      "My memory was that my mom hit me and her friends almost raped me," I said all in one breath. 

      "Wait really-? How-? Why-?" he said trailing off.

      "It's a long story," she replied.

      "I've got time, if you wanna share it with me." he said a second later. 

     "Okay so it all started here..." Bella started

     While Bella started explaining Emilio climbed into bed with Bella and covered himself with her blanket. 

    After Bella completed her life story, they both soon fell asleep cuddling.

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