💔Kiribaku- Wait for me my love.💔

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Ok bitches, prepare some tissues and and a blanket to wrap yourself in because this story is tears and only tears, good luck.

Warning: character deaths, angst, suicide.

No ones POV

Crying on the floor was a broken boy that had lost his happiness and his everything, in a blink of an eye. The boy thought his life would be like the fairytales that his mother used to read to him. He thought that he had found his prince and that they could run off into the sunrise holding hands, just like in the stories. And he did have that, he had his prince, he got to run off into the sunrise holding his lovers hand in his own...but sometimes people don't get to end their story with a happy ever after but instead have an unfortunate ending.


Katsuki and Eijiro were celebrating their 7th anniversary and were dancing in the rain, holding one another while swaying to the sound of nonexistent music. They were laughing and having a great time being in one another's presence.

They stopped dancing and closed their eyes, listening to the sound of the rain and their breath. They held each other close, not wanting to let each other go but sadly, one of them was going to have to let the other go.

The cute and happy bond between the two was now a massive murder scene. Tape surrounding the area, police rushing to the crime scene, screams of pain and fear were heard all around by many. But one person in the crowd could do nothing but stare in shock with tears fall down from their face as they watched their lover being covered by now soaking bloody sheets, and being wheeled into the ambulance.

End of flashback

It had been a year since the tragic scene, and Katsuki still hasn't recovered. Instead Katsuki has only gotten worse and has sunk into a deep depression that no one can help him get out of.

Now Katsuki is sitting on his bed, looking at a bottle in his hand that had some words and instructions on it. He was reading the words carefully and slowly.

He had finally given up on trying to get better and overcome the event, the only reason he didn't kill himself in the first place is because of his childhood friend's wise words.

"Do you really think Eijiro would want you to chase after him that fast? You know how much he cared for you and wanted to help you get through your tough times just to keep you in this world with him. Katsuki at least try, not for me but for HIM."

Katsuki tried but didn't succeed and is now holding something that will soon be the cause of his death. He had read the words and saw that it said that the maximum amount of pills to be consumed in a day was 3, so instead he took 6 and placed them in his hand.

He closed his eyes and thought about all the good times he had with his friends and his ex lover. He let out a big breath and then swallowed the pills. At first he felt nothing but after 20 mins he started to feel his eyelids becoming heavy and was soon passed out on the floor. His breathe soon became slower as the time went by.

10 hours later

Katsuki's unconscious body was now limp and lifeless. He had officially succeeded in leaving the terrible place he once called home.

With Deku

Deku had gotten a bad feeling and decided to call Katsuki, but he didn't answer. Deku was now panicking, and is rushing his way to Katsuki's house.

Deku got out his spare key to the house and opened the door, rushing into the house while calling "Kaachan" but no one replied. He turned the door knob to enter Katsuki's room but the door was locked. He yelled to open the door 3 times and when he got no reply, he smashed down the door.

Deku was now traumatised and on his knees, crying. He tried to keep Katsuki alive for the longest he could to make Eijiro happy, but forgot to see that Katsuki wasn't happy. And now he felt like he was the worst friend on the planet.

Deku got his phone and called Katsuki's mother, preparing himself to not cry while talking but he knew that wasn't possible. Quickly Mitsuki had picked up the phone.

"Hello, Izuku" she said rather happy

"H-hello mrs Bakugou" Deku said trembling, feeling guilty about having to ruin the happy mood she was in.

"Why are you sad, are you hurt?"

"Well...I need t-to tell you something"

"Well what is it?"

"I'm sorry to tell you this-,"


"I'm sorry Mitsuki but Kaachan just died" he said crying right after.

"W-what, Izuku it's not funny to prank people like that"

"I know it's hard to digest but he's gone now and there's nothing we can do"

Phone call ended

Mitsuki was now crying in her sad husband's arms, crying about the sudden loss of her baby. She never thought the day would be so soon but here she was. She felt guilty, thinking that it was her fault, maybe she wasn't a good enough mother, maybe she didn't love him enough, maybe she didn't protect him enough. But now she can't do anything but cry over the loss of her baby.

2 weeks later

Everyone was near a tree that was once loved by Katsukiand Eijiro, they would always sit there when they felt sad, happy or just anything. They decided to bury Eijiro's body there so that at least he could still be near his favourite spot.

Now they were lowering the casket of the blonde, spikey haired boy into the new dug out hole. Cries of his friend and family were heard as the casket lowered. The bakusquad were the first ones to throw flowers and sand into the hole, letting it cover the casket. Next were his family, which almost couldn't do it because of them crying too much, and last were his past classmates and teachers.

They soon left with tears still falling, because rain had begun to start and they decided to leave before it gets heavier. And now the area was empty and wet.

With two tombstones next to each other remembering the loss of two angels that are now once again together, in a better place that they now call home.

Sometimes fairytales can come to life but this life is no fairytale for instead it is just reality and that is why dreaming is our only escape.

~by me

Hope you guys enjoyed this story that I wrote at night, sorry if it sucks. I'll update my TodoKiriDekuBaku series soon, but I have my assessment block coming up so it's difficult. Hope you have a good night/day biiiiiiiiiiiiii ☺️

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