Dragon King- TodoKiriDekuBaku Part 4

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Part 4 'Memories that were lost throughout the years'

Word count: 2001
Genre: Fantasy
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, murder, sadness
Note: this story does get quite sad so if you are overly sensitive I recommend tissues.
Here is some snacks for your journey 🍕🍟🌭🍔🥪🌮🧁🍿🍿🍫🧋🧋🥤🍚🍨🍦🧁🍰🥨🥐 have a safe read....

Author's POV

Shoto watched the three and started to space out. He was wondering if he should trust Katsuki, his lovers did so why shouldn't he? Unlike his two beloved boyfriends, Shoto had very bad trust issues due to his rough childhood and never let anyone into his personal life until he can fully trust them. He could never understand how Izuku and Eijiro were so extroverted and happy. Sometimes he felt like he was useless because he couldn't be as happy and upbeat as his lovers and the rest of the dragons. Everyone knew that Shoto wasn't one to like people straight away, so they weren't surprised when he was harsh to the new human called Katsuki.

Shoto began to overthink and stress about if he should join the conversation that the other three were having or continue to watch them from afar while observing there interactions with each other. He saw the three boys smile and laugh and felt a sudden felt as if he should join the conversation. He transformed into his human form and began to walk over to the area that the three boys were.

"Hey Kaachan, do you want to visit my mum?" Izuku asked "She's really nice and I'm sure she would like to meet you."

"Omg yessss, Katsuki you must meet Auntie she's the best!" Eijiro said jumping up and down.

Shoto was absolutely shocked at the fact that they were talking about bringing this human that they just met to Izuku's mum's house. 'But he's a human, we all know Auntie Inko despises humans' He thought confused.

He walked up and stood next to the screaming Eijiro. And then looked at Izuku, "sorry to interrupt, but why are we talking about Auntie Inko and going to her house?" His voice hinting his confusion.

"Oh no worries Shoto, but we were talking about bringing Kaachan to my mum's house so that she can meet him."

"Yeah we are sure she'll like Katsuki very much" Eijiro added in.

"O-oh" Shoto said still confused

Soon the four were standing in front of a cute little hobbit, with plants growing in the front with a little stone path that leads to the small door at the front of the hobbit.

"Well here it is, my mums house" Izuku said pointing to the hobbit with jazz hands

Katsuki was shocked at the cute little home in front of him. He always thought about living in a cute little cottage or a hobbit, just like the ones in the books at the orphanage. The crops and plants growing at the front, which were protected by a light brown small fence, the small round door that was made out of the same wood as the fence, the little windows that were open with flower pots and plants sitting on the windowsill, the stone path that was spaced out and made the entrance look even more aesthetic. Katsuki loved every detail and started to smile as he looked at the house.

"I'm glad you like it Kaachan but we can't just stand here forever" Izuku said laughing a little

"That's right, we have to go inside so that you can see Izuku's mum" Eijiro said resting his hand on Katsuki's shoulder

"I agree let's go inside" Shoto said walking in first

Katsuki snapped out of his little dreamworld and nodded, walking down the stone path and opening door just like Shoto did before. The green and the red head began to laugh and soon did the same, not forgetting to shut the gate of the fence closed.

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