6 ; the dark mark

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"I would never do that, ever!"

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"I would never do that, ever!"

"Don't tell your mother you've been gambling," Mr. Weasley implored Fred and George as they all made their way slowly down the purple-carpeted stairs.

"Don't worry, Dad," said Fred gleefully, "we've got big plans for this money. We don't want it confiscated."

Mr. Weasley looked for a moment as though he was going to ask what these big plans were, but seemed to decide, upon reflection, that he didn't want to know.

They were soon caught up in the crowds now flooding out of the stadium and back to their campsites. Raucous singing was borne toward them in the night air as they retraced their steps along the lantern-lit path, and leprechauns kept shooting over their heads, cackling and waving their lanterns.

When they finally reached the tents, nobody felt like sleeping at all, and given the level of noise around them, Mr. Weasley agreed that they could all have one last cup of cocoa together before turning in.

They were soon arguing enjoyably about the match; Mr. Weasley got drawn into a disagreement about cobbing with Charlie, and it was only when Ginny fell asleep right at the tiny table and spilled hot chocolate all over the floor that Mr. Weasley called a halt to the verbal replays and insisted that everyone go to bed.

Hermione, Liliana, and Ginny went into the next tent, and Harry, Ben, Atlas, and the rest of the Weasleys changed into pajamas and clambered into their bunks. From the other side of the campsite they could still hear much singing and the odd echoing bang.

"Oh I am glad I'm not on duty," muttered Mr. Weasley sleepily. "I wouldn't fancy having to go and tell the Irish they've got to stop celebrating."

As Liliana settled herself on the top bunk above Hermione, she felt an immediate comfort; she felt as though she were on a cloud, a soft, calming cloud but then -

"Get up! Ron - Harry - Atlas -  Ben - come on now, get up, this is urgent!" Mr. Weasley's panicked shout filled her ears.

The calm faded in an instant as Liliana got up as quickly as she could, nearly hitting her head on the tent's cover. She wasn't sure what was occurring, but there was an unsettling feeling in her stomach. The noises in the campsite had changed, the singing had stopped; instead replaced with screams.

"What's going on?" Ginny muttered into the dimness of their tent.

Hermione looked at her sister and in an instant she could tell something was wrong. Without even needing to ask a question Hermione rummaged in her bag and pulled out three jumpers and tossed two to Ginny and Liliana.

"We need to move," Liliana stated hurriedly pulling the jumper over herself. With an immense feel of fear and angst she hurried out of the tent grabbing Ginny by the hand, Hermione at her heels.

(discontinued) together? always. ; harry potterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora