The Splatter

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


For a moment, he was able to tune out her words. In their place, Emorie thought back to his last meeting with (f/n). He recalled her tears and how she desperately had wanted another solution. Emorie remembered how he couldn't provide her with one and how he had succumbed to tears himself. Probably, (f/n) was awake at the moment and possibly crying. It tore his heart apart, yet he wasn't doing anything to help her pain; he was making it worse.

"Honestly, it was very odd how she had obsessed over you for so many years when she barely even knew you all because you gave her a piece of cloth." His attention snapped back onto her, but Jetta still was tracing his chest. An eyebrow of his almost twitched. It was part of his surcoat, and she didn't understand that a knight rarely gave a piece of their armor away. "I don't blame you for wanting to push her away. She probably bothered you constantly." (F/n) never could.

That horrid giggle of hers left from her lips. "I'm happy that you knew the right decision all along. I just wish that we could have a proper ceremony." She sighed dramatically but not loudly. "I take it that we can't get married because of your death." He shook his head. Inwardly, he nearly vomited at the idea. Never would he put a ring on her finger.

"Well, that's a shame, but," she grinned up to him and he barely managed a smile, "I have you." She giggled. "Not her. I wonder what she would do if she ever found out." He already knew, and he knew that (f/n) wished that she could punch Jetta endlessly instead of sitting back and letting it happen. Her shoulders shrugged. "Oh well. I'm just happy that the wretch will be left to her sorrow while I get you."

At that, he froze again. She didn't notice. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him and giggled against his chest. "She always was such a fool." A wretch? A fool? No, the woman in front of him was sorely mistaken. The one who was both of those things was her, not (f/n). Never (f/n). A frown formed on his lips, and his left nails twitched. "She should've known that her childish dream of meeting you wouldn't go anything past that." This time, a cruel laugh left her. "Really, scum like her should just know when they need to leave. Isn't that right, Em –"

Not finishing her question, she paused. Her medium green optics widened, and her lips parted in shock. Crimson was coughed up, and spots of it fell upon his shirt. His eyes held a distant look in them, but his expression spoke nothing but of rage. "Em-Emorie, I ..."

"Be quiet," he muttered, and his tone held an inhuman quality to it. It sounded monstrous, and terror grew within her. "A foul woman like you never would understand my relationship with (f/n)."

"But, y-you ..." He glared to her harshly, and she lost her words as more blood exited her mouth. Her legs gave out on her, and his nails traveled upwards due to her descending weight. She coughed up more crimson, and tears left her eyes from the pain. Emorie eventually ripped out his nails and let her drop to the ground. Jetta tried to pick herself up on her hands, but she collapsed back to the ground. A pool of blood began to form around her.

As he stared down at her with utter dislike, realization slowly dawned upon him. His eyes widened, and they seemed to hold more life in them than before. He glanced down to his blood-coated nails, and his arm trembled slightly. The whole plan, he just ruined it. Slightly, he took an unsteady step back and hit the trunk of an oak tree. Jetta didn't say anymore, and he heard her heartbeat growing very faint. There still was time maybe to save her if the pixies intervened, but he made no motion to do so.

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