The Answers

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Glancing between the pixies lined up in a row, Emorie noticed how their hair and dress differed from the others. He also noted how fewer there were of them than the remaining pixies. Most likely, they were the leaders of the group. Personally, he would've thought that he was imagining all of this and having one very bizarre dream, but after waking up as he now was and witnessing what he had done to Jacob, his mind didn't carry anymore doubt about what he was seeing in front of him. It was all very real.

Cautiously, he took another step forward. "He ..." His eyes briefly glanced back to the bloody mess that was Jacob before he focused back on the petite fae. "He mentioned all of you being behind this. You're here now and showing yourselves." Emorie saw the remaining fae seat themselves about the rocky walls. "So, is it true? You're the ones who brought me back?"

From the group of ten, one of the males flew forward only a little bit. He nodded his small head, but no strands of silver hair left the secure braided crown on his head. "That's correct. Your wishes before death interested us, and they formed what you are now."

Emorie furrowed his brows and felt his right hand clench. "I didn't wish to become this. I didn't wish to eat that fowl apprentice." His tone was calm, but anger bubbled within it too. The female just behind the pixie that just had spoken came forward. She nodded her head in agreement.

"No, you didn't, but every wish comes with a price. How you look, what you eat and how you think ..."

Instantly, Emorie cut her off. "Then, my reason for killing Jacob like that ..." He couldn't help but point back with his left index finger. "... Was because of my wish?" The female pixie nodded. Emorie froze before he stared down at his hands, and the killing nails on his left one.

"But, we granted more than one," another one of the male pixies spoke. "And, your wish to kill Jacob and his sister gave you those nails, but they also made you focused on killing that human male upon waking up. I imagine that the urge to kill Hester is there as well, just not as strong as your desire had been for Jacob since you hated him more."

"I want her to suffer," Emorie couldn't help but admit. "I want her to feel the pain that did (f/n) when I died. Once I've felt that she's suffered that enough, I'll kill her." A grin almost tugged at his lips before he realized his thoughts and how he was speaking them. He blinked before he stared to all of the fae. "Will these wishes always consume my mind?"

"Once they're fulfilled, they won't," the female pixie spoke again.

Slightly, he sighed in relief before he collapsed to the floor and crossed his legs. He looked over himself. "Then, how I look ... Where did that come from? What price? To be alive?"

"Yes," a different female pixie from the group answered. "Your wish to live and protect (f/n) (l/n) gave you this new look. The price of living is that you'll still resemble somewhat your deceased state." She flew forward a little and folded her hands in front of her. "However, you gained increased physical abilities from your desire to protect her. Nothing will easily kill you." Gently, she flew closer, and he kept a watchful gaze over her. Her petite blue hands touched the spot over his heart as well as his head. "Only in these two places can someone kill you."

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