The Cavern

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"You can use this as your home from now on," the pixie responded, looking around the space briefly. His silver eyes focused back onto Emorie. "I'm sure you've noticed by now how the light affects your eyes, though;" the pixie's eyes seemed to glitter for a moment in an impressed manner, "you still managed to build that fire."

"Yes, but it wasn't pleasant." Emorie momentarily closed his optics at the memory, but it had been worth it. The light had terrified Jacob more due to being able to see his attacker's appearance. "Then, traveling during daylight?"

"We wouldn't recommend it," spoke the same pixie. "Where you once thrived in the light, you must live in the darkness now. You were killed in the dark, and that is what you knew before you came back. Think of it as another price for rejoining the living."

Sighing, Emorie crossed his arms. Slowly, he was beginning to accept his fate as he listened to the facts more, but worry still was contained in his body since he had no idea how (f/n) would react to him. Thankfully, his desire to kill Hester also allowed him to concentrate on (f/n) more. He had to find some way to talk to her without frightening her, but he also didn't want to kidnap her and force her to speak to him. Emorie wished to take the kinder route, and he hoped that she wouldn't scream upon seeing him. Otherwise, he didn't know if he would snap in this new state.

"Then, I'll stay here during the day. I noticed how fast I can run." Emorie tapped his left nails against his right forearm. The trip wouldn't take him that long at all between the cave and the village, but, maybe ... No, he shouldn't get his hopes up. He couldn't live in his old home. Most everyone in Levonshire probably thought him dead, and if they didn't, they wouldn't think him to be Emorie Valturian. If anything, they might throw torches at him and attack with weapons.

First, though, he'd have to head farther north. There should be snow and ice there already. He'd bring Jacob's remains there to preserve them. All he had to do was make sure that they were well-hidden. Then, he'd come back here to sleep when the sun was out. It'd be easier if he just could keep his food in the cave, but it'd spoil. Almost, he gagged at that own thought of his. Eating humans, especially Jacob ... It made him sick, yet his stomach didn't agree with his mind, nor did the taste of flesh and blood upon his tongue.

Regardless, he could sleep farther up north, but he didn't want to be out in the open. "Are there any caves north of here that I could use until it snows down here?" It certainly would make things easier. The ten pixies glanced among themselves before they collectively shook their heads.

The first female pixie that had spoken to him added, "No. This is the only cave that we know of. You could look on your own, but it won't be much longer until it begins snowing here." She looked past him and towards the exit. "Then, this place should work just fine. You'll be closer to (f/n) after all too."

That was true, and he supposed that he could wait awhile. His eyes narrowed a little at the group. "Though, are you going to be watching me like you did today?" He didn't exactly like that idea even if they had brought him back to life.

"No," the male pixie from before spoke firmly. Of course, they would have one of the younger pixies watch him every now and then to report on him and his actions, but they didn't need to mention that detail. "But, you're welcome to call for us if you ever have any questions regarding your transformation."

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