The Push

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As was obvious to him, the knight never did return to the village. It had been several days now since his death, and the village was beginning to settle the knight's possessions since most thought it time to move on. Much to his displeasure but not surprising, (f/n) didn't come to him to talk. Rather, she stayed inside mostly after failed attempts to leave Levonshire and head into the woods. There was still discussion about what to do with Emorie's house and the hares he had been raising.

Concerning his other possessions, most had been in agreement that (f/n) and her family would keep them or get rid of them if they chose to do so given (f/n)'s relationship to the knight. It sickened Jacob, but much to his delight, his possessions would be taken back to the capital. Since the deceased man had been a retired knight, his father, (f/n)'s father and a few other villagers thought it right to inform the king of what had happened. Whether the king had read the letter or not, they didn't know, but a response did come back saying that the knight's possessions would be collected.

From what he heard, (f/n) didn't take well to that news and had been seen during trade a few times clutching the knight's blade to her chest. At least, she had been until the sword had been taken and packed away with the rest of the knight's items. Of course, his home could be given to another, but (f/n) and her family would get to move the hare pen and the hares within it over to their house. It still upset him that she got to keep something of his, especially since the hares already had been moved over to her family's property.

Today, though, one of his suspicions about her behavior had been proven correct. Dusk had come, and evening light was gradually bathing the landscape in its illumination. He just had finished his work at the smithy that day when he saw (f/n) leaving her home. Her father wasn't with her, but there still were a few men watching the paths leading into the forest in case the knight miraculously showed up or (f/n) decided to venture into the woods on her own. Mostly anymore, it was more for the second reason than the first.

Naturally, he didn't tell (f/n) his own opinion or mention it around the village. His words would reach her somehow, and he didn't wish to create further separation between them. (F/n), though, didn't pay him any mind as she walked across from the smithy and rested her hand on the door. The home was no longer locked, and the knight's possessions already had been placed into crates for transport back to the capital. They were sealed and if anyone broke into them, it would be easy to tell.

Someone could steal one of the crates, but they'd be foolish to. Again, some of the men were watching the paths, and they also could view the knight's home as well as hear anyone entering or leaving. If something suspicion occurred, everyone would be alerted within a matter of minutes if not sooner. Jacob, however, wasn't concerned about the crates. Rather, he watched (f/n) enter the home and close the door behind her.

About to walk over to the home himself, he felt a hand rest on his right shoulder. "Jacob, you should give her space. She probably wants to be alone." Mentally, he sighed in frustration. His original plan had been to talk to her after a few days. It had gone past that, and he now had an opportunity to be alone with her. He shrugged his father's hand off.

"And, I want to make sure she's going to be alright and doesn't do something foolish in there." He met his father's gaze and held it firmly. "She could break open one of the crates and try something before any of us could get there." His father didn't say any more, but he hoped that his son wouldn't do something foolish himself.

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