The Secret

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Tension increased among the pixies, and the ten elders moved farther away from the lettnex they had created. They hadn't expected him to catch onto the prices they hadn't told him about until the child's birth, and, perhaps, they should've been more prepared for the lettnex finding out sooner. Whatever the case, they needed to be careful with their next words, and the present speaking pixie was done talking. She moved back with the others, and one of the male elders reluctantly flew a little bit forward.

Emorie's very pale eyes glanced among the ten as if he was deciding which one to kill slowly first. The pixies wondered if he'd try to torture them before killing them all. Maybe, he'd pluck their wings out. They didn't know, and they didn't wish to find out. "Are you going to answer?" Emorie almost growled out. His voice was near primal, and, in that moment, one never would've guessed that he had been human beforehand.

"... Yes ..." The male pixie folded his hands together tightly. His heart beat faster and he wondered if the lettnex could hear it, but he obviously didn't ask. "Before you had died, you still had wanted a family with (f/n)." He gulped. "We've gone over that, but there's one more piece to it." Maybe, the other elders and he shouldn't have been so interested in seeing what a baby lettnex would look like, nor should they have wanted something entertaining to watch. Unfortunately, they couldn't reverse their prices they tacked on for the wishes they granted him. Even to them, magic had some limits.

"And, that would be?" Emorie questioned, stressing every syllable and his left nails rubbing together more.

"Like how you wished to kill Jacob, how you weren't able to think about anything else, well ..." Steadily, Emorie rose to his feet, and all of the pixies flew back to create more distance, even the one talking. "Well, you'll have an urge to ... to have at least one child." Emorie clenched both his fists and crimson painted the ground. "The more you kiss her, the more you think about having a family, the more that urge will increase until you eventually commit to that action. And since your child will be the first lettnex to be born, the magic will prevent him from any risk of him dying early. Since you must have a child to fulfill that wish and price, the child will no doubt live, regardless of any action unless you kill the mother, while in the womb." The pixie wrung his hands. "And if you kill the mother while pregnant," the pixie saw Emorie raise a brow as if saying why on earth he would do that, "the urge will remain, and you'll have to start over."

"So, you're saying," Emorie took a couple of steps forward, "that (f/n) will die whether I try to prevent that or not?" The pixies shared a glance, and they watched him stop in his steps. "And, you even suggest that I would harm my wife and child?" None of them responded, and an inhuman, low chuckle parted from his lips. There was no amusement in it, just rage. "And with all of this, you tell me that my child will bear some of my burdens. Then, you tell me that my child will kill his mother. Now, you're saying that I'm going to force myself upon her." Somehow, he clenched his hands more, and more crimson dripped onto the ground. Several more chuckles left him. "Does this amuse you? Does ruining not only a man's but his whole family's future entertain you?"

Before any of them could answer, he spoke, "Well whether it does or doesn't, I have another question." His eyes looked to each of them slowly and carefully. "Do I have to have a child with (f/n)?" Confusion was evident among the pixies, and the one who was speaking flew forward somewhat as if he hadn't heard Emorie correctly. "Since I'm going to have to lie with a woman and have a child, does that woman need to be her to eliminate that urge?"

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