The Disturbance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Not getting up from his one knee, he waited and watched her maintain a frown on her lips, but he could tell that she was debating his words in her head due to the look in her medium green optics. Jetta released a drawn out sigh, and she glared down at him as though he was undeserving of her. She definitely had that backwards. If it weren't for the pixies giving him such a horrid price, she'd probably be the next one on his meal plan. Technically, she still would be on it but after his child was born. Then, his son could meet (f/n), his true mother.

Despite her glare, he continued to look hopeful, and she thankfully didn't catch onto the hatred that was bubbling beneath the surface. No, it already had bubbled to its highest point, and he only barely was managing to hold it back. Mentally, he had to tell himself not to kill her several times since she certainly was pushing his limits. Her eyes scanned over him, and she huffed. "Well, where is your new home?"

"A cave." He knew that she was going to despise his answer before it even left his lips. Her reaction was no surprise either. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she laughed as though he was an utter fopdoodle.

"A cave?" she repeated, and her tone held obvious disdain for the idea. "First, your own weakness kept you from me. So, you go and pretend to die, only to live in a cave and expect me to come with you?" She scoffed. Her eyes scanned over him again. "This better be some really nice cave."

"It is," he reassured. It'd be a perfect spot for her to die; it'd be where that filth of an apprentice died too. "I'll furnish it. I'll provide for you. Everything you'll need, I'll bring."

Rolling her eyes, she responded, "I doubt that." Nearly, one his eyebrows twitched, but she didn't decline the offer, which was ... good. No, it was far from that, but he needed to carry through with this. The alternative was worse. "But," she pushed herself off of the tree, "you're very handsome, and I always knew that we'd make a perfect couple. I just wish that you hadn't felt the need to speak to (f/n) first. Then, none of these problems would've happened for us."

Averting her eyes back towards her home, she faced away from him completely. "I'll go get a few things and be quick."

Emorie caught her left hand. "No, I can't risk you getting caught." She looked ready to argue. "I told you that I'd provide for you." His eyes held a pleading look. "Please. Trust me." Jetta almost pulled her hand away before she huffed and her shoulders sagged. "I'll get you more clothes later." A brow of hers raised. "It's possible. Please believe me."

"So, you're going to steal?" She rose a brow again, and he was about to answer, but she cut him off and held up her right hand. "Never mind. I don't care. Just make it happen and make sure that we don't get in trouble." He nodded slowly, and he managed to resist snapping her wrist out of annoyance at her attitude. "You're the one who's going to be doing all of this, so it's your problem. It's also your job to take care of me, but I won't get in trouble even if you get caught." Her eyes met his harshly. "I hope you know that I won't go down with you."

"I understand." Of course, she wasn't going to die when he did. She was going to die much sooner. "And, I hope that with time you can forgive me for my past actions."

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now