The Retrieval

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Loose strands of (h/c) (h/l) hair fell across her face and over her eyes. Several of the strands tickled her skin and caused (f/n) to furrow her brows. She lifted up her left hand and brushed them away before she settled back into a comfortable position; however, that didn't last long as her mind put together the pieces of her current situation. Almost instantly, she opened her eyes and sat up straight. (F/n) winced a little from the action, her muscles sore from leaning against the wall and her eyes squinting against the light coming in through the cracks in the shutters.

Shielding her eyes as she adjusted to the morning light, she stared straight ahead and listened closely. Hopefully, she hadn't fallen asleep for too long. Otherwise, her parents already might be up, and getting into their room would be quite difficult without raising any suspicion from them. She only had closed her eyes for a moment despite her happiness about the coming night. Regardless, she was awake now and highly focused.

So far, she couldn't hear her parents moving about the house. Taking that good sign, she crawled to the end of her bed. She made sure her leather shoes were securely on her feet, and she was thankful that they didn't make too much noise when she was walking. Slowly, she peeked out of her room and into the kitchen and entrance areas. Neither was there, and she didn't expect them to be, but she wished to remain careful.

Keeping up her quiet steps, she moved nearer to her parents' room. She felt her heartbeat pick up when she reached the door. Gently, she pressed her ear to the door and listened. On the other side, she heard both of her parents softly snore. Unless they were faking for some reason, she assumed that was a sign to enter and remain unnoticed.

As quietly as she could, she grabbed the handle and turned it. (F/n) pressed on the wood and was relieved to hear that it didn't creak open. She only opened it enough to slip inside, and she didn't bother with closing it yet. Briefly, her eyes went over to her parents. Her father's back was turned to her, and she couldn't see her mother, so she presumed that she was pressed against her father's chest. It reminded her of how she would sleep next to Emorie before everything had happened, and a small bit of heat touched her cheeks. Maybe, she could cuddle next to him that evening. More heat entered her cheeks at the thought.

Concentrating back on the task at hand, she stepped softly over to the dresser. She winced when she opened the first drawer since the wood created a somewhat loud sliding sound. When she glanced over to her parents, she saw them shift a tiny bit, but they didn't wake up. Relieved, she continued her search and opened the second drawer.

In there, she found what she was looking for. Perfect. Grabbing a beige shirt and brown pants, she bunched them up in her arms before she closed the drawer. Just as quiet as on her way in, she left the room and closed the door behind her. She didn't hear any movement on the other side, and her shoulders sagged in relief.

Standing up straight, she maintained a quiet walk, but it wasn't as careful as before. It would take awhile for her parents to get out of bed, open the door and find her with her father's clothes, especially since they'd just be waking up, so she didn't have to worry too much about getting caught anymore. Once in her room, she relaxed again and tucked the clothes in between the surcoat she made. Since they were summer attire, they were thin enough to fit between the folds of the surcoat and not be noticed. She placed the items back in her dresser and closed the drawer.

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