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After our amazing sectionals win puck and Quinn are kinda dating. I mean that's not what he said to me last night when he was in my bed. But he can do what he want. I  was sat with Mike talking about the whole Sue stealing our set list scenario.

Mr Shue walks in and writes 'hello' on the board. He then turns around to face us and says "What do you guys say when you answer the phone?"

"What up?"

"Who dis be?"

"No, she's dead, this is her son."
Kurt says sadly. We go silent for a couple of seconds.

"O-kay. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say, "ahoy, ahoy" when he answered the phone. It was Edison who decided that "hello" was a more appropriate greeting.Look. I am really proud of what you guys did at sectionals. But, as most of you have realized by now, it hasn't made a bit of difference in your day-to-day at school."

"I have a slushie-stained training bra to prove it." Rachel complains.

I laugh and ask "you still wear training bras?"

She turns around to face me "not all of us stuff Olivia"

"Oh she doesn't stuff" Puck, Mike , Matt, Finn and Santana say in unison. Making rachel glare at Finn for defending me. I giggle knowing she's mad at me. 

"Okay moving on. Fact is, we're going to have to be better, even more spectacular at regionals. It's time for some reinvention, some new, New Directions. We need a new ... hello. Here's your assignment for the week: Come up with a fresh number, but it has to have "hello" in the song title. Alright?" Mr Shue tells us.

We all grown. God this is gonna be a long week. Me and Mike walk out together.

"I at least thought that me Shue would finally have some good ideas. But I was wrong" i complain.

"I know. But what about rachel trying to expose u" he asks me laughing. I give him a glare in response.

"Oh please after last week. U should know I definitely do not stuff." I pause to look at him. "We should do that again."

I shut my locker and walk away. I was walking alone for a couple of minutes before i feel a pinkie wrap around mine.

"Coach wants us in her office ASAP" Tana tells me. Oh god this can't be good. We walk there and she tells us to sit down. I am getting ready to brace myself for whatever she is going to yell at us for this time.

"You two should be wetting yourselves with shame. Glee club won sectionals, and you did nothing to stop it. If you were samurai, and my letter opener were sharp enough, I would ask you both right now to commit seppuku. In Japanese, this means ritual belly-slitting."

"We were seduced by the glitz and glamor of show biz." I tell her.

"Let me drop some knowledge on you. Ever since Quinn Fabray got knocked up, I've been in the market for a new assistant head cheerleader for our girl Olivia here. If you want the job, and back in my good graces – you're going to have to turn around –and listen up. You're familiar with a little glee clubber named Rachel Berry? Rachel's the kind of girl who wants things too badly. And what she really wants is one Finn Hudson. I want you to go after him. She'll go crazy. She won't be able to stand you're dating him. Humiliated, shamed, she'll have no choice but to leave the group. And without her, Schuster won't make it to regionals" she tells us before demanding we get out of her office.


I was lying in my bedroom doing my homework when a familar phone number rang me.

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