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Because Mr Shue can't come to sectionals with us we were in the choir room trying to decide who we would have as a replacement.

"I bet we get stuck with Mr. Sinacori as our sectionals advisor."

"Oh, the creepy math teacher?" I ask.

"He's always singing when he walks down the halls." Kurt adds on.

Rachel then walks into the room

"Hey, guys. Did any of you think it was weird the way that puck rushed to Quinn's aid during rehearsal yesterday?"


"I mean, he likes her. I mean, they're friends. We all know that." Artie tells her.

"Yeah, but it seemed like more than that. I've never told you guys this before, but I'm a little psychic. I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense. Something is definitely going on there."

" Uh, we... We got to go." Mercedes tells her.

"We have to practice." Rachel protests.

"Oh, and we will, as soon as Mr. Schuester names a faculty advisor to replace him." I tell her as we walk out.

"Hey. She's onto it." I say into the phone.

"I know. It's really freaking me out. Hold up. Artie's buzzing in. I'm going party line."

"Dudes, this is serious. If she finds out, she's going to tell Finn. She's a total trout mouth." Artie says into his phone.

"I say we lock Rachel up until after sectionals. I volunteer my basement." Kurt tells the group.

"We can't. We need her to sing." I tell them.

"Damn her talent."

Santana and Brit join the call to say "We just heard. Who told?"

"We assumed it was Liv.

"Why would I do that?" I ask offended.

"To get back at Puck. Aren't you guys dating?" Kurt asks.

"Sex is not dating." I state.

"If it were, Santana and I would be dating and Liv would be dating most of the boys at this school" Britney says. The line goes silent for a bit while we all digest what she just said.

"Look, I don't want to rock the boat. Since Quinn got pregnant, I'm second dog around here." Tana says.

"Look, I know I screwed up telling all you guys about Quinn and Puck, and I feel really terrible about it, but we cannot let Rachel figure this out. If she tells Finn, he's going to flip." I say.

"And then, we really have no chance at sectionals."

We all meet in the hall to try to figure a way to keep rachel from saying anything.


Apparently Rachel had told Quinn about some Jewish baby disease and Quinn was freaking out.

"You have to take me to go get those Jewish baby tests." She whisper yelled at puck.

"Why? Is that even a real thing?" He asks.

"Because, if something is wrong with the baby, Terri Schuester isn't going to take it. And I can't ask Finn. He'll know something's up."

"Does this have to happen tonight? Because I'm going to Livs tonight." He asks her.

Enter Wemma. That's the new name I'm made for them saying as they're always together.

"Hey, guys? Let's, uh... Let's gather 'round. Well... I have found my replacement. So, give it up for Ms. Pillsbury."

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