Crossroad of the past and future-part 7

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[You have successfully passed the first hero king's trials!]

[You have earned one wish token!]

[You have accepted the duty to carry Hero Sigmund's regrets and desires]

[The hero king title has been strengthened, However, penalties will be added if you fail to fulfill the wishes of Sigmund]

''It's about time!''

Grid held the two wish tokens in his hands.

''I wish to revive Irene and Lord!''


[The wish can not be delivered as the souls have been bound to Great demon Gamigin's field]


Cold sweat started dripping from grid's forehead, he had worked hard to earn the tokens yet the system was telling him it was for naught?


Grid's anger increase exponentially as he started getting more and more nervous due to the limited time delay for revival.

[It is currently impossible to fulfill your wish , please remove the interfering factor in order to complete your wish!]

Grid's eyes burned with intense hostility.

''Gamigin... I will kill him... WHERE IS HE , GAMIGINNNNN''

[Jishuka: Grid... I am sorry ... but can you help us?]

Grid read the message he received from Jishuka.

'Calm down, it will be okay, I need to help the others too...'

[Yes what is it?]

[Eastern border, we're having a hard time dealing with the 4th great demon...]

A wide grin appeared on Grid's face.

'What's that , you couldn't wait for me so you're inviting me now?'

He knew what to do right now.


I recommend listening to this ost on ''loop'' while reading this part of the chapter

[Saintess ruby has exerted her authority and partially denied great demon Gamigin's power]

[All souls summoned by the 'Night of the dead' will be liberated from Gamigin's control]

''Damned brats...A saintess and a Hero king Along with few legends want to face me alone?''

Gamigin couldn't contain his irritation, although he knew the current Hero king had surpassed Muller recently, it was insignificant. 5 or 10 Years were not enough to grow exponentially in power for great demons. If Muller barely defeated a weakened Hell Gao, the current Hero king was but a bug for Gamigin. In addition, Marie rose and Braham were busy fighting Baal's avatar, even with the saintess around, Mercedes and Piaro had no hope in threatening him now.

[The souls of the dead will seek the people they hold dear to bid farewell]

Grid gritted his teeth, he had worked hard and done his best in order to gain another wish token. But it was useless, He forgot the importance of time, Even with his 2 wish tokens he could not revive both his wife and son unless he lifts Gamigin's curse. He wanted to curse the world, But right now he had to fight, for the people who had survived.

'I am proud of you'

A voice slipped into Grid's ears, It was a voice He would never forget, Irene's voice. Grid's body shook as the words reached him and he turned around with a pale face as if he heard a ghost...and this was indeed the case.

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