crossroad of the past and future-part 4

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[The absolute, Hayate, has arrived at the west continent]

[The Dragon Race has noticed Hayate's presence]

[The curse of the Dragon race intensifies]

[All Dragons have started to move]


It was a name that Grid was familiar with, no, actually it would be an underestimation to say he was only 'familiar' with it. Hayate, the head of the tower of wisdom and the one who holds the first seat, the only human Absolute, Humanity's very first legend, and the one and only 'Dragonslayer'. No one knew better than Grid how much that man had suffered for the sake of the world, he bore a curse for centuries without uttering a word, always with a smile on his face. However, there was one time, and only once when that smile disappeared from his face.

'me, no, the Tower was disappointed with the gods. I have no intention of letting them go.'

Grid vividly remembered Hayate's words that day, when the gods of Asgard turned on humans and revealed their real faces. Grid couldn't forget the killing intent in his voice.


It was undoubtedly why Hayate himself decided to step in despite knowing the consequences of him interfering in Pluto's affairs. Grid had a soft smile on his face.

'If it's with you then I...No, We can do it'

Grid still had a hard time figuring out how to fight the calamities that have befallen the continent, However, with the help of the tower of wisdom, what was once impossible may not be anymore. Grid who gazed at the destroyed capital, Reindhart, felt his eyes become sharper than ever.

''Just you wait... I will never let you go.''

Grid uttered these words as he stared at the sky. He needed to start moving as soon as possible or else he would be wasting time, earning another wish token may be impossible but now was not the time to worry about that, he needed to do his best.

[You have left the presence of the Absolute god]

[Assimilation with the past 'Hero kings' is starting]


An unexpected message popped up in midair. Then Grid's vision slowly faded and he found himself in an entirely different place and body. It was reminiscent of his assimilation when he used to read Madra's diary.

Suddenly, something appeared before his eyes, a gigantic existence, no it was more like a beast. The beast bellowed with rage, scales all over its body, glowing eyes. Grid could never forget its identity.


Grid's blood started boiling, Bunhelier, the very same being who brought destruction upon his kingdom and family. 

[You're in emotional distress]

[The system has detected a dangerous level of adrenaline being released]

[If the danger persists, assimilation will be forcefully terminated]

Grid calmed down as he remembered it was but the memory of someone unfolding before his eyes.

'But wait, why is Bunhelier here?'

Grid had just realized it, but it was the memory of the first Hero King, so why was Bunhelier facing him? As if reacting to his question, time seemed to stop in the world he was in.

'That's because I am the one who sealed him.'

A voice echoed through the space around Grid. It was an unfamiliar yet warm voice, Grid turned around and he spotted the figure of a man with a toned body, blond hair, and sparkling eyes that would charm even the gods. Although he was handsome, his beauty was different from that of the vampires, it was pure and taintless.

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