The king's return

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9 months have passed since Grid became 'Madra's disciple', the epic created an uproar in the media.
{Grid and Madra??? What's their history together?}
{ Grid used Madra's swordsmanship many times before but how exactly did he acquire it?}
{ Was Madra on Behen archipelago? the story behind the undefeated king}
Many similar headlines filled the news, and Many analysts tried to understand the meaning behind the new epic. Meanwhile, Grid continued to train and practice under the guidance of Madra, thanks to that Madra's sword skills had improved tremendously and 100,000 army swordsmanship had finally regained a form close to the original.

[100,000 army massacre sword (re-interpreted)]

[It is a single blow. A skill that deals 10,000% attack power to all targets within 50 meters Each time a target dies, the damage applied to the next target increases by 300%. There is no limit on the increase. 50% more sword energy can be consumed in order to imprint a mark on all enemies within range, in that case, the attack will be unavoidable.

Skill Resource Consumption: 15,000 mana, 200-300 sword energy.

Skill cooldown time: 10 minutes.]

''huff, finally''

' I am not going to lie to you, you really got no talent how the hell was you able to grow that strong with such a mediocre talent'

Grid frowned as he heard Madra's words, although he knew it, he didn't understand the point behind Madra saying it out loud.

'' I am already aware of it, that's why I put in as much work as I can, if you are not satisfied with me why are you staying?''

'AHAHAHA, look at this kid. Have more respect for your elders. Although what I said was not a lie, I admire your improvement given your talent level, I am even more impressed by how persistent you are.'

'Don't get me wrong though, whether you're the greatest talent in the world or useless in swordsmanship, you're still my disciple. I won't abandon someone who I've recognized and accepted as such.'

Grid couldn't help but sigh, he knew his growth was slow, after all, Sword saint Biban had said that Madra's swordsmanship could only show its true might starting from the 500,000 army swordsmanship. However Grid struggled for 5 months in order to bring the 100,000 army swordsmanship to its original level, he didn't have any hope in removing the remaining degradation in less than 10 years.

'Well at least I am done with one...' -Grid

' Hm, it is true that you made an interesting addition compared to the original'

Unlike Madra's original '100,000 army massacre sword', Grid's version was less powerful but he managed to compensate for the lack of pure power by making the introduction of 'marks'. It was a concept that Grid was familiar with thanks to his 'Flower' sword dance, after working together with Madra he finally managed to implement it in his interpretation of Madra's skill.

'' Anyway I can't stay in the east for much longer, it's about time I return to my kingdom.''

'Ho? You think you can handle your enemies with your current power level?'

''No I don't, but it is the duty of a king to stand in face of the impossible for his people, at least now I can use myself as a shield to protect my people.''

'Indeed my eyes didn't deceive me... You truly remind me of my younger self. Don't worry kid, as long as I am with you, you'll be able to grow powerful enough to protect your kingdom from anything.'

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