Chapter 13

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~~~~1 week later~~~~

Marinette's POV

I wake up and I feel a bit sick. I wiggle out of Shaytan's arms and I feel bile rise up to my throat. I rush to the bathroom and I puke into the toilet. Everything I ate yesterday came back up. I feel someone pull my hair back and rub my back in circles. 

I stop puking and I flush the toilet and rinse my mouth out. "Angel, are you okay?" "Yeah. I just need to rest today. It's probably just a stomach bug." Yeah, I know it's most likely not a stomach bug but, I do hope it's not what I think it is. 

"Okay. I'll let Alfred know." "Can you go on the tour with my class to make sure nobody get's killed." "I can do that opposite." "I'll sleep in my room for the rest of the trip and you won't get any cuddles." He looked horrified. 

He sighed in defeat and grumbles. "Fine. I'll do my best but, if they get on my nerves to much I can't promise they'll be alive by the end of the tour." "Fine. But, please try your best." He nods. "Fine. Now you go to bed." 

I climb in bed and he places the covers over me and kisses my forehead. He leaves the room and I close my eyes and let my mind wander. We were caught up in the moment and we forgot to use protection. 

Please tell me I'm not pregnant. I just don't know if we're ready for this. I mean, we are close to being 18 and technically we are married by the Lazarus pit bond but is Damian ready for that kind of commitment?

Ok, I need to calm down. I am not entirely sure. I can either schedule a doctors appointment or buy a pregnancy test. I'll do both. I am soon brought out of my thoughts by Alfred. "Mistress Marinette, Master Damian informed me that you will be staying home?" I nod. 

"Ok. Do you want me to make you anything?" "Nothing special. Just some soup would be nice." "Alright. It will bring it to you shortly." He left and I continue on my thoughts about me being pregnant with Damian's child. 

I seriously do hope that is not the case. I mean, if I am I'm not going to abortion it. I would probably keep it if I saw it and if I put it up for adoption I would probably wonder what life would be like if I hadn't done that. I would most likely keep it. 

Why did this have to happen? And now of all the times in the world! I mean, my class still hits me and beats me and I don't want to endanger the child. I grab my phone which is on the bedside table and quickly set up a doctors' appointment for tomorrow

I huff, from being uncomfortable from laying on my back and sit up and lean against the head board on the bed. I grab my laptop from my bag that was next to the bed and start replying to clients' emails and fans' emails. 

Alfred comes in with soup and a cup of water. "Mistress, you are supposed to be resting not working." "But-" "No buts, now after the meal I can send one of the boys in too keep you company." "Fine" I put my computer away and Alfred sets the tray on my lap. 

"Now, just let me know when, you are finished. I will send in one of the boys after." I nod and he leaves. I slowly start eating the soup and it tastes lovely. Alfred truly is an amazing cook. I finish eating my soup and calmly climb out of bed. 

I know Alfred said to call him but, I am not doing that. I walk to the kitchen and set the tray down on the counter and put my bowl and spoon in the sink and wash them. I dry my hands on a towel and walk out. 

"Pixie Pop? What are you doing out of your room" Of course, Alfred told them about me being sick. "Aren't you supposed to be in your room?" I shrug but a wave of dizziness hit me and I stumbled back a bit and grabbed onto the door. 

"Pixie!" I felt Jason grab my arms and help steady me. "You are not getting out of bed. I'll take you too your room." He picked me up bridal style and carried me back to the room and laid me on the bed. "You stay. I'll let Alfred know that you left you dishes in the sink." I nod. 

"Do you want me to bring anything for you?" I nod. "Get one of your books and read it to me. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee." He chuckles. "Sure. I'll be right back." He left the room and I let my eyes wander around the room. 

The door opens and Jason comes in and sits next to the bed on the floor. I grab one of the extra pillows and put it on his lap. "For you." He smiles at me and gets in a comfortable position. He opens his book and starts reading from the beginning. 

I close my eyes and imagine the scenes as he reads. His voice slowly becomes softer to me as I fall asleep. I know he didn't change his volume but it grows more distant as he lulls me to sleep.  

I soon fall fast asleep with a good amount of Shakespear's words flowing through my mind. 

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