Chapter 17

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A/N: Mentions blood, violence and stiff like that. Big trigger chapter. Mostly to kill people. Like Alya and Adrien and Lila. 

3rd person's POV

Damian, Tim, Jason, Dick, Bruce, Chloe, Luka, Nino, Juleka, and Kagami were all in the bat cave.  Why? Because Marinette was missing. She had gone out to buy some fabrics to make everybody's dresses for the gala and has been gone longer than normal.

She normally would've been back about 3 hours close to 4 hours and everybody was worried. "So we now where she wouldn't be so where w-" Jason was cut off by Plagg flying in holding a pale and shivering Tikki. 

He flew to Damian and stopped in front of his face. "Kid! You need to follow me now. Marinette and you guys kitten won't last much longer if you don't." That sent chills down everyone's spine. 

~~~~~3 hours ago~~~~~

Marinette was walking back to the Manor with a bunch of bags in her hands. She was wearing a red crop top, black jeans, ankle boots and one of Damian's sweaters to hide her baby bump. She smiled at the thought of her baby but was soon brought out of her thoughts when she was yanked into an alley way. 

She felt her bags being ripped out of her hands and she was shoved against a wall. She looked around and immediately identified her attacker. Her class. "We've missed beating our toy and you haven't wasted one moment. You've been beating Lila and then you have your boy toy protect you." 

"You don't have your boy toy to protect you so why not beat you now?"  Marinette felt 2 people grab her arms and Alya ripped Damian's sweater off her. Marinette knew she noticed her baby bump and tears welled up in her eyes. 

She felt a punch in her chest and she gasped. She felt them keep coming and she used her powers and stomped on the feet of the people holding her and tried to get away but stopped when a knife stabbed her arm and she was shoved on the ground. 

She put her arms around her stomach when she felt a bunch of kicks and a couple of stabs in her arms and legs. She turned her head a away and then she was pulled up ward. She didn't have the strength to fight back. She didn't fight when they ripped her arms away from her stomach. 

She knew she had tears pouring out of her eyes and they only poured faster when she felt a knife slash across her stomach. She knew it was big and she could only hope it wasn't that deep. She felt them let go of her and she heard footsteps fade when she felt water droplets fall on her skin. 

She tried to grab her phone but it was too far away. She reached for her purse, ignoring the pain in her arm and ribs. She pushed it open with her fingers enough to see Tikki and Plagg. Her purse was getting soaked from the rain and she could see Tikki was shivering. 

Plagg was holding her and he looked up and met Marinette's eyes. "Bug?" "Plagg, I need you to go..." She coughed and her voice was raspy. "Go to the Wayne Manor, take Tikki to Alfred and take Damian over here." 

Plagg looked reluctant. "But, what about you and your kitten? I can't leave you here." "You have too. I can't wait for them to notice and try to find me. Go please." Plagg stared at Marinette then nodded. He grabbed Tikki and held her as he flew. 

Marinette used the last of her energy and used her healing powers and sent them to her baby. She wanted to make sure her baby was okay. Her eyes started to close and she forced them to stay open until she couldn't keep them open anymore. 

~~~With Plagg~~~

It was raining hard and making it hard for him to see where he was going. It was very windy too so, it kept blowing him off course because he is so tiny and light. He heard claps of thunder and lightning strike the ground.  

He finally reached the Manor after 2 hours of looking. He flew through the walls in search of everybody. He finally flew to the bat cave and around for Damian. He heard a voice and followed that and saw Damian. 

"Kid! You need to follow me now. Marinette and you guys kitten won't last much longer if you don't." 


Everybody suited up the moment Plagg said that. Alfred took Tikki and MPS called on their transformation. Damian put on his Robin suit and the moment he was done Plagg started flying. Robin ran after Plagg and ignored the rain and ran after the God. 

Plagg led him to an alley way after 1 hour of running because Plagg would of course get blown and Robin would have to find him and put him back on course. He jumped into the alley and saw Marinette. 

She was in the back and she was in a pool of her own blood. He walked closer and you could see she was unconscious and her breathing was uneven. He scooped her up and grabbed her purse and her phone. 

He ran back to the Manor and went to the Batcave where the rest of the Bats were waiting. He laid her down on the cot Alfred had prepared and the bats looked horrified at her condition and angry vowing to kill whoever had done this to her. 

Alfred immediately started attending to the wounds and Damian was livid and worried when he saw a gash on her stomach. It was long and deep. You could hear Chloe buzzing and Tikki looked at Marinette. She was still weak but, used some of her energy to fly over to her chosen.

 She used her powers and tried to sense to see if the baby was still alive. She smiled at the results. "Your baby is still alive. I, assume Marinette had something to do with it." "What do you mean?" "She used her healing powers and used them to make sure no harm was done to the baby." Damian nodded. 

He sat down next to Marinette's cot and grabbed her hand. He closed his eyes. His head rested on the side of the cot and fell asleep. But so soon, that he didn't notice Marinette's hand tighten around his a little bit. 

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