Chapter 10

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Damian's POV

I was helping Dick with Angel's class. We were at the Gotham Zoo. Father already banned me from trying to smuggled a tiger so I will have to settle with a snake or baby alligator. Maybe a wolf cub if I get lucky. 

Angel helped with the Mr.Freeze attack a few days ago but, I have been wondering more about Joker actually. He hasn't attacked in about 2 weeks. It was getting to become very unsettled. Almost like he was planning something big. 

"Lil'D. Are you okay? You've been spacing out the entire ride." "tt. I'm fine, Di-Grayson." He didn't catch my slip up which was good. Angel has been making me soft. I have reputation to uphold which I'm sure I could keep if I'm careful. 

I went back to my thoughts only to be brought out of them again. "Master Richard, Master Damian we are here. Have a good time." "Thank you, Alfred." I climbed out of the limo after Grayson. I was not going to allow myself to call him Dick. 

Angel waves from her class and I give a small wave. Out of the corner of my eye I see Dick give me a knowing look and I grumble under my breath. He just had to notice. "Alright. You guys should know the rules so, let's get started." He starts the tour and everybody has their favorites.

All the animals seem to be attracted to Angel though. Even the ones that are known to be mean, are nice and submissive to her. It is really intriguing. I will have to ask her. We are in the area with the wolves. Angel is currently petting one through the bars of it's enclosure.

I walk over and bend down next to her and let the wolf sniff my hand. "Hello Shaytan." "Hello Malak. How are you getting all the animals to like you?" "Miraculous effects. Since, Tikki is the goddess of creation, a side effect that went to me is animals naturally being attracted to me. It's kinda cool to me." I nod. 

"That is cool. What do you think we will see tomorrow at the Wayne Gardens. Will the plants wrap around you and kill the class. That would be great." "No, Dami. That will not happen." "Can you make it?" "I could if I wanted too but I will now." "Then, I suppose I will do it myself. Maybe Todd can help me." 

"Say your brothers' first name, please. It's just better when you do." "Nope. Not happening." "I'll get you too. Trust me." She already was but, I wasn't going to tell her. She continued to pet the wolf and I just sat next to her. Then, there was a crash and a few growls. 

We shot up and turn around and see Joker. Did I jinx it or something? He had snakes and tigers, and lions and other animals in cages and there was a flap of wings above and my jaw dropped. He created a dragon. He has a creepy grin on his face and he laughs. 

"Lovely to see, the Wayne's and their guests. Did ya miss me?" No. "Course ya did. You can't have Gotham without your Joker." His goons step toward the cages and put their hands on the locks. inwardly curse because Grayson and I can't get away without raising some sort of suspicion. 

"Let's see how well you escape from them." They open the cages and all the animals run or slither out. Screams were heard and Marinette immediately took action. She bolted to her friends and they start to collect all the animals. 

3rd Person POV

Juleka starts with the tigers and calmly talks to them and was able to calm them down and they eventually laid down. Luka was with the snakes and was keeping them from suffocating people or biting them. Chloe was rounding up animals using bees and wasps. Kagami and Marinette were rounding up some of the more stubborn animals and making sure nobody was hurt. 

They were eventually able to get them all calm within 15 minutes and the Dragon was still flying over head. Apparently they had ruined his plan. They were too tired to care right now and Kagami really wanted to see the dragon. 

Joker snapped his fingers and the dragon landed and Joker expected a lot of reactions but a squeal of excitement was not one of them. 

Kagami ran toward the dragon and her friends didn't even try to stop her

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Kagami ran toward the dragon and her friends didn't even try to stop her. She started cooing over the dragon and petting it and it seemed to enjoy it and nuzzled her. "Mari-hime come here!" Marinette walked over and started petting it. 

Marinette made a few plants wrap around Joker and his goons and held them suspended in the air. Everybody thought it was Poison Ivy but, Damian, Dick, MPS knew better. Soon everybody got used to the fact that Joker wasn't going to hurt anybody and went on as normal. 

Bruce came in his civilian form and stared at the dragon who only wanted attention from Marinette, Kagami and seemed to take a liking to Damian. He walked over to Damian but the dragon blew him with smoke when he tried to touch Damian. 

"Damian, why is there a dragon here?" "Joker somehow created it." Bruce sighed. He wasn't paid to deal with these things. "Can we bring him to the Manor? It seems to like Angel and it would make a good pet as it is reasonably tame." Bruce stared at his son. 

"Damia-" "I think having Tanin as a pet would be awesome." Bruce stared at her? She already tnamed it. And just to make it harder, Dick walked over. "Hey. Who tamed the dragon?" "Marinette, Damian and their friend." "My name is Kagami. Kagami Tsurugi." (A/N: Tanin is Dragon is Arabic.)

"As in the famous Olympic fencer?" "Yes." "So, Father can we take the dragon home?" Dick stared at the dragon and put his hand out. The dragon sniffed him and let him pet him. "I like him. Can we keep him?" Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Fine. We can take him but if the girls and Tim and Jason don't like him we get rid of him." "I think Mar'i will like him." Marinette and Kagami stare at him like he lost his mind. Dick notices and laughs. "My daughter. Her name is Mar'i." They make an 'o' and nod. 

"Let's take him to the Manor!" "How?" "We ride him...duh." Marinette does a certain whistle and the rest of the MPS is there within seconds. "We're taking the dragon to the Manor. Kagami is coming anybody else want to come?" "We should stay or else Lila might do something stupid and get the class killed. Actually that doesn't sound so bad. Everybody get on."

"Chloe no. I don't feel like having the trip cut short because of them. I'm not doing it." Chloe sighs. "I tried. That's always something. Alright we will stay but we can't promise everybody will go back to the hotel. Bye." She bolted away with the others at her heels. 

Mari sighed. She loved Chloe and all but, seriously. She climbed on the back of Tanin and Kagami, Damian and Dick followed. They all hoped the other siblings liked him. And off to the Manor they went. 

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