Chapter 6

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Results for Votes:

Daminette: 13

MariJon: 3

Both: 17

So, the last one is the winner so, I will be doing a MariJon story and a Daminette story. I don't really know how to write a threesome story and I am always worried about if someone will like it. I have never trusted my own opinion. 

I might have gotten the votes wrong. I haven't been doing to well but, I should be okay though. My anxiety issues have been getting the best of me and my dad hasn't exactly been okay. I am getting through it though. 

I'm gonna stop because y'all probably don't wanna keep listening about my pathetic life. 

I did get 2 request for a story and I am always willing to take requests. 

miraculouslife9876 requested a sibling story between Jon and Mari. I can do that. 

CJSalomeG requested a Jasonette or Brucinette story. I am leaning more toward Jasonette. 

If you have any story requests or ideas for a story I will see if I can put them in or make a story out of it. 

Anyway, here is the actual Chapter part. It will be a little darker than my other chapters. You have been warned. 

Marinette's POV

It was Adrien. Everybody at the table stopped talking and their heads snapped toward him. I glared at him and I swore I heard Juleka growl. "What do you want, Agreste?" "I just want to talk to Marinette." Everybody looked at me. I didn't really want to talk to him but, I didn't want to make a scene and get beat up later. There was only so much a girl could take. 

I sighed and stood up. "Fine." I put my hands behind my back and signed to Chloe, 'If I'm not back in 10 minutes, go look for me.' I followed him outside and he led me to a place far too secluded for me not to raise suspicion. My gut was churning as possibilities ran through my mind. I was really regretting following him because of something he did to me. 

The sicko decided to rape me. The bond from the Lazarus pit hurt more than Adrien himself. Since, me and Damian were bonded from the pit if one of us were do do something sexual with someone else and it wasn't who we were bonded to it sends a pain. The longer you keep doing it the more pain it sends. I tried filing a restraining order on him but that didn't work because of his father's power. Nothing ever works against them. It was getting increasingly frustrated. 

"What did you need to talk about?" "We agreed to take the high road Marinette. Lila's lies aren't hurting anyone. Just surrender and become friends with her. Then, maybe we could date an-" "No. I will never surrender to her and much less, date you. You're a spineless coward who doesn't know how to stick up for himself. Plus, I never had a crush on you and I never will." His expression darkened and he shoved me against the wall. 

I was caught off guard by it and I tried to get free but, a permanent effect from the  miraculous is that he had more strength than normal for a human. Again annoying. He leaned in and put his mouth close to my ear. "It would be a shame for that same thing to happen wouldn't it M'Lady?" I inhale quickly and my heart starts beating rapidly. He laughs darkly. "You think I wouldn't notice. You're wearing my ring." I clench my fist when I feel his hand try to take the ring. 

He growls and tightens his grip. "Give me the ring and nothing will happen to you." I whimper in pain and try to wiggle from his grip. He smashes his lips on mine and a searing pain explodes through my body. His free hand goes underneath my shirt and he lets me go but keeps pushing his weight onto me so, I can't get free and his starts undoing my jeans.  I quickly close my eyes and try to imagine vines wrapping around Adrien and to not cry from the pain. I feel him take his lips off mine and his weight on me lessen. I open my eyes and find Adrien wrapped in vines and another vine choking him. 

I release him from the vines and he smirks darkly. "Maybe another time, Princess."  He walks away and I collapse and memories start resurfacing.  My chest starts to feel tight and I couldn't breathe. I just couldn't breathe. More memories pop up and I feel tears run down my face like a water fall. I hear faint voices and someone shaking me but, my mind can't register who it is. 

All I see are blurry faces and memories. I shake my head and cry harder. I hear a phone ringing and then I hear Damian's voice. "Angel, it's okay. Take a deep breath. It's okay, calm down." He continues saying comforting things and I eventually calm down and can finally register everything that had just occured. I had a panic attack and Chloe, Kagami, Juleka, Luka and Nino couldn't get me to snap out of it so they had Dick call Damian because he decided to come and see if I was okay because I am his sister in law as he says. 

"Angel are you okay now?" Damian's voice was laced with worry. "Yes Shaytan. I am okay now.  Thank you." I handed the phone back to Dick and he talked to Damian about a few things but, I wasn't really listening. "Maribug, what happened? We saw Adrien come in and you didn't come in after we waited a few minutes. Tikki and Plagg came flying toward us and led us here. And no, Dick did not see them. Don't worry about that. What did Adrien say?" I took a deep breath and looked at my hands. 

"H-he knows that I'm Ladybug. That I wear the ring and he k-kissed me and touched m-me. He threatened me sort of. I wrapped him up with some vines b-but, he just smirked and said, 'Maybe another time, Princess' and I ended up having a panic attack apparently." I looked up from my hands and saw Nino holding Juleka so, she didn't kill Agreste and Kagami clenching and unclenching his hands and Chloe taking deep breaths and Luka looked like he was silently planning homicide. 

Dick comes back and looks at me. "Damian wants to meet you after he gets out of school to make sure that you're okay. It's at an ice cream shop by the hotel. Do you think you can make it?" I nodded silently and I shakily stood up still leaning against the wall. "Do you need help, Melody?" I shook my head. "No. I should be okay." We walked back to the cafeteria and I was able to finish my lunch and nobody dared to talk. 

Lunch was over relatively quickly and the tour started again. He showed us some over the other parts of WE but, I could tell he was watching me out of the corner of his eye at all times to make sure i was okay. I could also feel Adrien's eyes staring into my skull. I keep jotting down notes for designs and in the end it all went okay except for the panic attack part. 

Now, I had to get ready to see Damian. And be prepared for him to ask about things. 


 A/N: I hope y'all like it! Please comment if I do anything you don't like. I am always open to ideas if you want me to put anything! Thanks!

~ Danielle or 'Dani'

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