Weirdo Pacita

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The two are eating breakfast together.
The red wine bottle was almost emptied before they finished breakfast.

"What do you usually do after breakfast? You can't possibly just read all day, right?"

Amadeus stops walking and looks at Pacita.
"I have sword lessons in the morning and after lunch I have history, geography, etiquette, dance lessons and Mathematics."

"Eh? How come I didn't see you studying yesterday?"
She asks, playing with the remaining wine in her glass.

"Oh.. I don't take them everyday. And not all of it is one day or I won't be able to have any rest."

"True." She said, draining the glass with her tongue.
"Anyways, I am not busy. I'll watch your swords play."


"I'm bored."

He sighs and let's her be.
There is really no job for the Duchess except attending social gatherings and entertaining guests.
The Butler is still the one who manages the mansion and the Duke is the one who allocates the budget.
In short, she is just a duchess for show.

But a Duchess for show is still a duchess.

As 'her' son, he can't say no to her.

The seat with a parasol on top.
Two different red wines and some snacks to pair with the wine.
She is ready to watch the entertaining sword lessons.
She is not expecting much but it is better than nothing to watch.

The instructor is a knight sent by a vassal of the Duke,Zupan.

He has been the instructor for 2 months after the previous instructor broke his wrist.

Since then he taught the young Master nothing but to take hits from him.
So he will know how to respect his instructor.

But now that the Duchess is watching he realized that he never had given the young master a proper training since day one.

"Madame, w-why are you here?"
Zapan asks.

"Don't mind me and just do what you usually do." She said, sipping wine.
The recliner chair is the best.
She feels so comfortable and the breeze is very relaxing.

If this is the exchange for all death then she advised people to get stabbed in the stomach.

(This is a joke. Don't take it seriously.)

"Ah...Then actually the training today will be him taking hits from me."

"I don't care." She tilts her head.
"Taking hits from you?"

Amadeus looks at his new mother.

"Yes. Because he needs to learn how to block."
He said,smiling.

"Well, I do not know how swordsmanship works. You do your own thing." She said waving her hand.

Zapan breath a sigh.
'It seems she doesn't care about him and just wants to watch on the sideline. Anyway, why would a step mother care about a step son?'

"Okay. Raise your sword and try to block my attack!" He grins 

Amadeus prepares himself.

After 10 minutes of beating the young master, Zapan is so elated he forgot that the madame is watching.

He turns around and sees her clear eyes looking at them.

"This…...10 minutes is over. You take a break." He said, looking at the beaten young master who is struggling to stand up.

Zapan felt a shiver.
"This...We should teach the children in a strong hand so they will grow up stronger."

Pacita tilts her head.
"Are you explaining to me?"

Zapan nods.

Pacita laughs.
"It's fine. I really don't know swordsmanship. If this is instructor's way, then that is good enough "

Zapan chuckles.
'She really doesn't care.'
"Good good."

"So what's next?" She asks.

"Excuse me? That's all? I thought it would take an hour."
She continue 

Amadeus spits blood.
But soon he stands straight as if nothing happened.

"That…..The young master is so beat up...We can rest for today."

"But our house is paying you for an hour of lecture. Are you trying to skip?" She raised a brow.

'Damn! She wants me to beat him up more'

Amadeus also raised a brow.
'Am I going to be hit black and blue?'

She pours the wine.
"After blocking, next is hitting right?" She looks at Amadeus.
"You look so pathetic that you can't even block properly. Surely, you can hit better?"

Amadeus nods.
"I can."

"Good. Instructor. Start the 10 minutes of hitting."

Zapan doesn't understand.
But after just 5 minutes he does.

"S-stop! Urgh.."

"Instructor….I didn't stop you when you were hitting a boy not even half tall as you. 10 minutes is your way of lecturing. So endure it." She said and opened another bottle of wine.

Amadeus hits the instructor with his wooden sword. But how can a wooden sword slash through the human skin as if it is made out of metal?

He didn't last and fell unconscious.

"Hey. You still have 40 minutes more to teach him." Pacita shouted.
But the man is not moving 

Pacita looks at the maid.
"Get a bucket of ice and pour water. Then you wake that guy." She said 

"But Madame…."

"Huh?" She glares at the maid.


Amadeus walks to her.
"Why are you helping me?"

"Helping you?" She frowns.
"I am just watching to entertain myself."

Amadeus sighs and sits on the chair on the side. She gave him cold water.

Amadeus took it.
"This is a normal thing. Do not meddle in my affair."

"Like I said….i am not meddling. I am just entertaining myself." She snorts.

"I don't need your pity."

"A villain doesn't deserve pity."
She sips the wine in the glass.
"And you are a villain."

Amadeus sighs.


I....will eat meat.
(Tears slowly dripping down the cheeks)

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