Amadeus Necklace 1

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Amadeus looks at the two letter from home.
He blinks and slowly reach out to them.
One is from the Duke and one is.....

"Why did she draw a wine glass?" Amadeus frowns.
'Did she knows Im asking my friend to make her a special wine glass?'
He shakes his head.
Pacita wont be that bored to monitor him.
His father might have said it?
He doesnt know and open it.
Inside is a golden chain and there is a pendant that looks like a lion. It was red and gold.

Amadeus covers his mouth with his palm and intently stare at it.

"Its too flashy." Based on his monotonous style.
Wearing something so flashy is unacceptable.
Amadeus puts the necklace down.
"She didnt even put it in a case."
He shakes his head and prepare to go to class.

Before he went out he called his servant and hand over the necklace.

"Do you want me to hide it?" He asks.

Amadeus frowns.
"Put it on me."

The man froze.
"This necklace?"

Amadeus stares at him.


Amadeus was always been the center of attention despite how scared people are toward him and his father. But today they all look at him differently.

Paula blinks and pouts.
"What is that ugly thing in your neck?"

Amadeus glares at her.

Paula paused and look down nervously.

"Pfftt--" Arben laughs loudly.
"What is that thing on you,Prince?"

Amadeus ignores them and touch the lion pendant.
"Its none of your business."

"Where did you find it? Its pretty." Michela said.

Amadeus gave Michela a warm smile.
"Its from my mother."

Michela blushes. Its not like Amadeus never smile but it rare for him to smile so happily.

Arben and Gustav are both shock too.

Paula sadly looks down.
"Im sorry for saying its ugly. I didnt know your new mother is so kind to buy you a necklace."
She smiles wryly.

Amadeus didnt mind and just sat and open his book.
"She is just picking a strange things and sendingbit to me. Nothing so fancy." Amadeus said.

Paula smiles.
"Soon we will have a 3day break. Is it fine to meet the Duchess?"

"Oh. I want to see her too." Arben said. But he then scratches his head.
"Im not a noble though."

"She seems kind?" Michela also seem interested.
"Must be." Gustav said.

Amadeus frowns.
"Just one necklace and you think she is kind?"

"Well, if she is not Amadeus wont like her right?" Paula said.

Amadeus flinched.
"Who likes her? Read your books."

"Oh." Paula nods and opens her book.

Arben, who was entrusted to make a beautiful wine glass for the Duchess watches Amadeus blushed. He chuckles and also read his book.

"Excuse me."

They all turn around and see Juliana.

"Ha?" Paula angrily frowns.

Juliana looks down and put a basket on the seat.
"I...I bake cookies. Hope you all like it. Im sorry last time. Bye." She said and run.

"What was that? Are we that scary?" Michela pouts.

"........" Gustav rubs Michela's hair.
"Dont mind her."

"Who would eat a cookie from someone you dont know?" Paula sneers.

Arben chuckles.

Its very unsafe to eat food from strangers.
Its not because they are being mean. They are mostly nobles in this school and aristocrat.
Lots of people hates them one way or another.
If you just eat anything a stranger gives you........wont you be just telling them you are easily to kill?

Amadeus friends feel bad because of that biscuit. Because if they eat it they seem stupid, if they ignore it they will seem bad people.

"Throw it away." Amadeus closed his bookand said to his servant.

"Yes Young master." The basket was taken away.

"Thats our Boss." Arben laughs.

Amadeus opens his book again.


Gaudy? Is the right term for that weird necklace?

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