Worried Pacita 3

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Pacita looks at the luxurious bedroom filled with books. There's even a study table filled with inks and pen she wonder what's wrong with noblemen trying to own all the knowledge in the world?
She cant read or write but she was still happy.

"Mother?" Amadeus is wearing a black robe as he just came out from a night bath.

Pacita stares in daze.
"How can a person make someone the same as them?"

"What?" Amadeus tilts his head.

"Come here. Mother will dry your hair for you."

Amadeus blushes.
"That is not needed!"

"Oh come on." Pacita didnt insists.
"You look 100% your father. Your mother must be very frustrated when you were born." She said as she sat on his bed.

Amadeus paused from drying his hair.
"She is dead."
There is no feelings in his voice.

"Yes but I heard she is a very loving mother and wife."

Amadeus sneers.
He still can remember though its a distant past now. The breaking vase, the slap ringing in his ears. The attempt to kill him countless times.

"She was a good mother. I learned a lot from her." Amadeus said and put on clothes.

Pacita lay down on the bed.
"Im so tired." She said and really fell asleep.

Amadeus looks at the woman sleeping in his bed.
"Compare to her...You are more closer.... But you are intended to be my enemy...Tell me Duchess, how will you choose?"
Amadeus did not sleep that night. He sat on his study table and read all night.


When Pacita wakes up, she feels so light and energize.
Finally, she didnt have a nightmare.
She looks around and didnt find Amadeus.

She sat on the bed and scratches her head.
"This Villian. I even want to tease him from drooling but he escapes?"

"You are the one drooling."

Pacita gasps and looks at Amadeus sittin on the bed edge staring at her with those golden eyes.

Pacita chuckles and stares at Amadeus.

"You have red hair and golden eyes. I have golden hair and red eyes. Maybe you are really my son but just got born from another woman's womb."

Amadeus ignores her as he stands up.
"Let's eat breakfast."

"Okay." Pacita happily smiles.


Pacita walks to her room to change clothes before breakfast.

She almost scream when someone from behind blocks her mouth and pushes her inside the room.

"Lady, this is me.."
The woman in black let her go when they got inside the room.

Pacita looks terrified.
She can't escape..

If so...

"Do not come closer!" She runs to the bedside and grabs the poison bottle.

"My lady?"

Pacita glares at the poison.
"That fucking family!!!!" She angrily shouted on top of her lungs so the household will hear her.
If she is going down, she will go down with those family.

Opened the poison and drinks it.

"My lady!!!"
Before the assassin can come to Pacita, Amadeus beat him to it.
The poison was slapped away from Pacita but she already drink enough to lose her consciousness.

The guards, the butler everyone surrounded the woman in black.
Amadeus is holding the unconscious head of Pacita.

He also seen a woman drink a poison before....but that woman killed herself to spite him...this time....someone drinks a poison to save him.

"Pacita!" Amadeus shakes her head.
His voice, he is worried it wont reach her.
Amadeus bites his lower lip so hard it bleeds. Dripping those lovely red on Pacita's milky skin...
Red really suits her the best.

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